Wolf King's rape face game is top notch, holy shit :O I don't mind Toriko landing a hit on Guiness, no King has gone untouched in the previously shown battles and in the end they always stood up to their name. Toriko is not gonna win this by himself, if they even manage to actually win against Guiness (like by knockout ot something). Their fight might get interrupted by the appearance of GOD, since Toriko smelling it kind of confirms that it will actually appear there. Would be seemingly out of order regarding the plot, but so are a lot of things right now.
Don Slime in his, I guess, real form looks awesome, but I'm still in pain the cooking tournament was skipped. I also wished for Moon to make an actually menacing first appearance that tied in with the ongoing plot, not in a flashback :/ but we will see how Shima decides to further handle this little mess that he has gone himself into and I'm positive it will be entertaining at the least.
It was said that Acacia stopped a grand war with the taste of God. I guess they can both smell it when it appears and stop fighting?
Don Slime with malice… I won't be surprised if Don Slime is some kind of a Nemesis for Acacia's Demon, but it was hinted anyhow.
Rushed, was it? Yeah. But I said the same thing for last week's episode and I do my best to enjoy the ride with Shima's pace. We will get a flashback. I think thats without a doubt, but what will it's content be? How long? Like back when it was with Toriko meeting Midora? And for fuck's sake Shima if you really planned this for Toriko couldn't you just showed that comment back then?
It does really feel like an ass pull right now. I like the idea Toriko can smell the information around the World. But that's just it. Using his inner Red Demon to full capabilities? Where did that come from? I get his relationship with Komatsu is very very unique. But that being the only reason for him to be eight kings level all of a sudden is bullshit. It's not even related to his Blue Demon! Shima established him as the unique power up in dire times while the Red symbolized his own capabilities. Red was used in full power back then and is being called forth again because Toriko just remembered how he felt back then? Why the hell does he need Acacia's Full Course now? It's all weird.
Why does anyone need Acacia's Full Course anyway? When you get to be Ichiryuu's level which supposedly can defeat Acacia tranformed to NEO without Acacia's FC?
I just feel lost about some aspects. Power levels are important too. Lately, unfortunately it comes down to having special relationships and being special individuals -which of course determined by plot i.e mangaka.
Anyway I'll let this sink in and revisit the chapter later. Strangely I'm curious now more than ever... It just is sad that we're rushing. It means Toriko is going at a faster rate to it's end. That's sad. I know I'm gonna miss it once it's over.