Really good chapter, Oda really stepping up his game
-I knew Dof wouldn't give up like that, man is a freakin genius though. All these ideas he came up with, hes just awesome!
-Law is so screwed, hey'll be the first to go. Wonder if Usopp and Robin will make it out ok? Maybe with a few scratches.
-Usopp gains more followers, hurray for Usopp!! One of my favorite parts of the chapter, now his time to shine
-Zoro really needs some one with him at all time, seriously his sense of directions are aweful
Well, some way or another hey'll get back to the ship and get a good fight, with either one of Dof's top men or one of the goverment people or maybe both. Either way, this should keep Zoro fans happy.
-Sanji being Mr.Prince again, nice to see. I hope the next chapter goes deeper into this and whats going on with Nami's group.
I can't see the tournament lasting much longer, some thing will be going down to end it, either during the finales like some of us thought or sooner than that??? I can't wait till Luffy's plot connects to Dof's plots.
Man, things are heating up. why so many breaks? Oh well, I'm sure Oda needs some rest after what happened with him last two weeks ago.
He makes up for it though with really good chapters, maybe a lot of us were wrong and Dof really is going to be stopped in this arc? Things are really starting to turn into that type of an arc now. I'm thinking Luffy will gain a few friends in the tournament once things go nutts and they'll get away and fight a few people, either from the goverment or Dof's crew members.