Sanji: Hey, I'm going to break these cinder blocks with my fists! They're just my hands, after all, what's the worst that could happen?
Nami: giggle giggle Oh you boys just do the silliest things. What am I going to do with you all? Oh well, here, have some milk and homemade cookies. Now I'm off to change into something more modest– really, I shouldn't show off so much skin, it's just not ladylike.
Chopper: Venison? Yeah, bring it on! Slap a steak on top of that and some veal on the side and now you're talking! Then we can go club baby seals!
Robin: Reading? Pff. Who cares about some dusty old books? I want to party! Bring on the hunks! Wooo! Is that Girls Gone Wild? lifts her shirt
Nojiko: So then she was all like 'you wanna go to the mall?' and I was like 'pff, what_ever_, that place is like, so last season' and then she got all mad, like 'nu-uh, you're last season, loser', and I was all 'I'm so sure, why don't you go emo over there or something'.
Zoro: Ugh. Hey, Sanji, let's ditch everyone else tonight, I'm so stressed out, I can't take it. Let's just find a club somewhere, I need to dance.
Luffy: You know, I do get tired of you chaps mocking my artistic endeavors, they're really quite subtle and laden with symbolism. The verisimilitude of my endeavors simply goes beyond the grasp of your petty little bourgeois minds.