Well, in my case, it's not that I hate Brooke, it's that this guy came from literally no where and suddenly people think he's the next god or something. For those who bring up Robin, at least she was a major character in Arabasta, she didn't just pop up like Brooke did. There's also the fact that we already have a pervy, suit-wearing guy on board.
I'm sorry to say, but Brooke seems a tad rehashed mixed with total randomness. I'm also don't really care about the afro. Since the manga's black-and-white, it just blends into the background and since it's not really stuck in his head (in a visual sense) it's hard to catch sometimes.
Did you have to refer to the rest of my post as whining and spite? ;_;
Anyhow, I see where you're coming from. However, how is Brook rehashed? I understand about the random part: he came out of nowhere and suddenly accepted an offer to join. I just don't see how he is rehashed, but I'm sure there's something I missed!
From my perspective, Brook changes things up. He had a quick debut and readily accepted the Straw Hats. He's rather eccentric and goes against a lot of pre-conceived notions of what a nakama should be and standard anime fare. There is a difference between him and Sanji: Sanji is a lady's man, whereas Brook is just lustful. Likewise, we don't really know about him yet.
I'm well aware that Brook isn't perfect. I can't wait to learn more about him! I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt see how he develops. His case is weird indeed. I love how weird and unexpected he is. We'll just have to see how this arc plays out!
BTW, please don't take anything I've said as an insult and so on! I respect your reasons for being skeptical about Brook. This is just a manga after all!