Goddamn people, learn the definition of troll. Seriously I'm just reporting this thread because I'm tired of trying to argue with people who are emotionall stunted. Clearly majority of you aren't getting the argument to begin with and think this is a sanji devil fruit debate. When it's me catching strelok or whatever the fuck this retards name is with his foot in his mouth.
Seriously are you all so daft that you can't see I'm defending a point while he tries to use a strawman argument to defend his? I'm not just going to ignore him because he's just asking for a verbal ass whooping, do whatever the fuck you want to do, but if you have no interest, keep your uneducated opinions to yourselves.
Case and point, everyone who's tried to post an opinion the last two pages about our debate.
**Just to get you kid's up to speed, I don't care about sanji, the fruit or whatever. Strelok said it's impossible to eat the devil fruit, that it is in fact, a fact. I argued it is not a fact, although improbable. He then tried to throw evidence at me for something I agreed with. People said ignored him I did.
Day 2 rolls around when he wallows in his fallacy of a victory, where once again, confronts me saying "realistic" was misused. That is wrong, I confront him on it, hes stuck on the argument from yesterday.
Seriously people the fuck?**