When a member posts distastefull things (for lack of a better word) things and persists with it, such member should suffer some sort of "punishment".
In the thread of SPOILER: Ch 399, e1n said this:
"i was gonna delete this thread and make all of you suffer until the new chapter comes out because of all the bickering and off topicking that kept happening, but the food calmed me down, so you guys were lucky there."
It is my belief that this would be punishing not only the infractors but all the others, that did nothing to deserve it, as well, and i think there must be a better aproach to do this.
I don't know if it is possible or not but what if every member had, in it's profile or somewhere else (don't know the proper place) a screw-up meter that would only be changeable by moderators? Let me explain:
Every new member gets their screw-up meter =0. Every time a member screw up like the example that provoked the above e1n's reply, it increment 1 in the screw-up meter. With it at 1, member would get a verbal warning; with it at 2, member would would get a 1 day ban from posting; with it at 3, member would get a 2 day ban from posting; and so forth. I'm sure that, with enough screw-ups, members would be discouraged of screwing-up again.
This might be a bad idea, or even impossible to do, or both. I really don't know.
This idea any good?