This isn't something I normally do. But… How do I post Gifs as my avatar on both the PC and mobile? I tried to set it up like the pros. I try URLs. Nothing! Any advise?
How to post Gifs as your avatar profile?
Sorry I can't help you about this, but if you post it in the Help Section at the bottom of the main page, you might get more help there.
16 characters of okay.
If you want to upload a gif, it needs to be from your computer, and it needs to be tiny, less than 97K. Which generally means nothing live action, and very few frames, no more than maybe 10 unless they're extremely similar or low quality…. and even then 4-5 is a much more reasonable range.
If you want to upload a gif, it needs to be from your computer, and it needs to be tiny, less than 97K. Which generally means nothing live action, and very few frames, no more than maybe 10 unless they're extremely similar or low quality…. and even then 4-5 is a much more reasonable range.
But some of them are animated gifs. Like cartoons and anime. How am I supposed to do that when I can even shrink some images? I'm on an iPhone. XD
Then ask nicely if someone can size a gif for you, and someone with photoshop or imageready might be willing to do that for you. I doubt you can do it from an iphone.
Otherwise you don't get to use them on this forum. We\re pretty strict on keeping general image sizes in avatar and sigs low so the forum is easier to load for everyone.0
Then ask nicely if someone can size a gif for you, and someone with photoshop or imageready might be willing to do that for you. I doubt you can do it from an iphone.
Otherwise you don't get to use them on this forum. We\re pretty strict on keeping general image sizes in avatar and sigs low so the forum is easier to load for everyone.0
16 characters of okay. I'll get my sisters Macintosh and show you the images I chose online. Be right back?
I need someone to shrink the image so that I'll look cool with a Pikachu by my side. -
Yeah… don't do that. That picture is freaky.
Yeah… don't do that. That picture is freaky.
But it's from YouTube. You can trust me right? I can't Photoshop for crap and I'm broke when it comes to money. Plus air guitar Pikachu is more original and awesome. Sorry if you don't like him that much? :(
But it's from YouTube. You can trust me right? I can't Photoshop for crap and I'm broke when it comes to money. Plus air guitar Pikachu is more original and awesome. Sorry if you don't like him that much? :(
You can use GIMP as a free alternative to Photoshop. It makes animated GIFs just fine (and you can optimize them in it too, which cuts down on the file size).
You can use GIMP as a free alternative to Photoshop. It makes animated GIFs just fine (and you can optimize them in it too, which cuts down on the file size).
Thanks Cruithne!
But it's from YouTube. You can trust me right? I can't Photoshop for crap and I'm broke when it comes to money. Plus air guitar Pikachu is more original and awesome. Sorry if you don't like him that much? :(
Pikachu is fine. That particular image is freaky. Please don't use it.
Pikachu is fine. That particular image is freaky. Please don't use it.
But that's the joke. Isn't this site like PG13 or something?
It is, but regardless of that, it's just freaky.
It is, but regardless of that, it's just freaky.
It's not like I'll ever post rule 34 on this site and her my avatar? I'll get banned for that. This gif came from a YouTube video about Pokemon by some dude who created the Marvel vs Capcom videos. XD
My favorite video growing up and still is the best video of all time. -
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