man, I'm really beating kuma's ass.
Double tatch (mine is max so I'm trying friends with max to 12 CD)
gan fall (max max socketed) / kaku (max max socekted)
enel (socket sponge) / lucci (socket sponge)
prisondille is better than lucci in this case but mine isn't socketd.
The max CDs on the top 4 units helps a lot, and I even get level 1 CD reduction so everyone is ready with no damage taken ever. also Tatch special is out of this world, so many QCK orbs
I just can't dare to go with double Thatch. My Ener still has CD 29 (I know, it's hard to farm him conveniently without a maxed Doffy), so I need to stall for him, which is difficult to do with double Thatch.
Anyway, be careful: I've heard horror stories in Reddit about the zombies in Stage 1 and 3 spawning all with just 1 turn XDD
P.S.: I've farmed around 10 copies between Stamina refills, time, a level up and 2 gems. Now it's time to use the remaining 11 gems I have and spend the next week using the daily gems to expand my box