Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons is a 2-cour edgy mecha action show that has began airing this Fall season, year of our lord 2014. As of making of this thread, 3 episodes have been released out of planned 25, shamelessly, for everyone to see.
What is it about?
In a world where Light of Mana has turned the world into a rosy utopia with magical baggage levitation and Quadditch, everyone has these fancy lame magical powers that allow them to do lame things, except those rare humans who don't. These are called Norma, they're reviled as horrific subhuman abominations and immediately removed, even babies! Like, babies are put into glass boxes and taken away as random bystanders look upon them in horror (it's as dumb as it sounds)! Also all of them happen to be female.
Enter Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi, the member of the royal family. Why she's the most perfect shoujorific princess, beloved by all… that is until her evil Onii-sama publicly reveals the terrifying secret she never knew - that she was a Norma all along. Our protagonist is taken away to the same place s all those other women, the Rape Isla... sorry, I mean island base of "Arsenal" where they are "disciplined" into fighting DRAGONS FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION in giant robots while wearing stupid skimpy outfits.
Who are the characters?
Hitler Cagalli
aka Angelise Ikaruga Raiden Gradius McWhatever aka Ange
Our heroine. In her peaceful days, she was the most wonderful amazing princess you could ever dream of… well... except spouting ultra-racist hate speech that would make a KKK member blush and having whimsical dreams of ethnic cleansing. After all, she loves her world of kittens and rainbows and butterflies and figures that it would be even more kittens and raibows and butterflies if those filthy non-magical subhumans would just die. But now she has to deal with her new hard life where Bad Things happen to her in what's basically a Women's Prison slash frontline. Creepy Sexploitation Things.
Evil Creepy Onii-sama
aka Julio Asuka Misurugi
He rats out Hitler Cagalli in order to usurp the power. Also plans to "restore the purity of the family line" with his other, 12 year old NotNunally sister. Yes, that's creepy as fuck.
aka Sylvia Ikaruga Misurugi
Youngest princess. Completely innocent and unaware of the stuff going on. Seemingly bound to a wheelchair based on the first episode. Her brother wants to bang her apparently. Because this anime the worst.
The commander/ prison warden of the fine establishment of Arzenal. She rules the place with an iron fist (because she has a robot hand, get it?). She welcomes Hitler Cagalli "into hell" by anally probing her in the very first episode.
The rest of the Normas
Who cares, they die every episode for the sake of shock value. Also randomly shown in scenes of lesbian sex. The sex isn't always consensual. Especially if Hitler Cagalli is involved because this is really a Female Prison Sexploitation schlock somehow crossbred with edgy grimdark mecha.
Also starring:
Jesus Yamato
as himself.
Who made this?
Studio Sunrise,with a certain Fukuda of Gundam SEED fame listed as the Creative Producer.
Why should I watch this?
You shouldn't.
Then why even open this thread?
Because hatewatching, or rather, hatereading, is our fine, respected passtime, is it not? There happen to be a handful of depraved individuals here willing to indulge in this atrocity and rather than turn the Fall 2014 thread, a thread dedicated to an admittedly rather solid season, into the de facto discussion thread of this dumbass show, it's better to have a thread for it. Some of us like watching a special kind of trainwreck, and in this particular case the train comes wooshing of the rails, crashing babies (in glass boxes) and kittens as it rolls down the hill into trainwreck vallhalla!
If you want an unironically enjoyable show, keep away from this. If you are concious about how women get treated in fiction, keep the hell away from this for your own sanity.
But it is hilariously bad.
Here comes the comedy of the season!