Dressed up as Carmen Sandiego for Office Halloween. Then, in costume, crossed London and much countryside to board a yacht by moonlight, and spent today sailing out at sea to another marina.
Dressed up as Carmen Sandiego for Office Halloween. Then, in costume, crossed London and much countryside to board a yacht by moonlight, and spent today sailing out at sea to another marina.
Well I guess that means that we know…
Loving that bottom pic! Great costume!
b: You should complete the effect by not posting for a while or posting from differents parts of the world Print Error. Great photos :3
New favorite t-shirt alert.
My family kept bugging me to put a christmas tree in my apartment. I finally complied.
[![](http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g161/prismal/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141211_161801364_zpsfuqmrdjg.jpg)](http://s56.photobucket.com/user/prismal/media/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141211_161801364_zpsfuqmrdjg.jpg.html)
Uh, and an old Picture with a book draft b:
not edited
! http://oi59.tinypic.com/1o88c4.jpg
http://oi60.tinypic.com/ot2995.jpgnot edited
! http://oi58.tinypic.com/ws8uq8.jpg
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
16 characters of Why ?
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
Whoah! Back off you asshole.
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
This statement is crass and completely uncalled for. If you don't have something nice to say, please don't say anything at all. :sad:
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
Also, mice are cute.
You're fugly as hell and look like a mouse. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
How about a picture of yourself then?
–- Update From New Post Merge ---
My family kept bugging me to put a christmas tree in my apartment. I finally complied.
[](http://s56.photobucket.com/user/prismal/media/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141211_161801364_zpsfuqmrdjg.jpg.html)[http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g161/prismal/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141211_161801364_zpsfuqmrdjg.jpg](http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g161/prismal/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141211_161801364_zpsfuqmrdjg.jpg)
That´s just glorious.
Because he's trying to get himself banned. Don't feed the false Slim Shady.
I blacked out last night. First time in my life. Frustrating experience. Really fucking frustrating not knowing what you did, or only remembering certain parts. I have a huge cut to show for it.And this pic, which came out cool but still, how the fuck did it happen. I wake up to find it among other pics on my iphone.
I blacked out last night. First time in my life. Frustrating experience. Really fucking frustrating not knowing what you did, or only remembering certain parts. I have a huge cut to show for it.And this pic, which came out cool but still, how the fuck did it happen. I wake up to find it among other pics on my iphone.
Well, the girl´s cute and you don´t seem that drunk.
What could have gone wrong, right?
I blacked out last night. First time in my life. Frustrating experience. Really fucking frustrating not knowing what you did, or only remembering certain parts. I have a huge cut to show for it.And this pic, which came out cool but still, how the fuck did it happen. I wake up to find it among other pics on my iphone.
It's quite the crappy thing to wake up to realize, yeah.
After spamming the APSmash IRC channel with my nonsense, throwing up all over my kitchen, and getting a huge cut on my head… I've decided to never drink unmonitored like that ever again. (Even a month later I still remember almost nothing but bits of those events).
Well, the girl´s cute and you don´t seem that drunk.
What could have gone wrong, right?
Don't seem that drunk? Did you see his "crazy eyes"?
I had quite a few of those. I'll see if I can find a picture of me doing something I don't remember doing.
Lol at God of Skypiea, wtf was that?
I remember one of those benders i had. I woke up without pants and in a couch i didn't recognize. Now that was scary xD
Well, the girl´s cute and you don´t seem that drunk. What could have gone wrong, right?
She's one of my best friends, I didn't do anything, I was just way more chummy than usual. I do remember eating tacos with her and some other friends at around 4 am, though. Here's what i was told happened between the hours of 12 am and 2 am.1). Threw up three times.2) Almost fell like four times3). I fell on then completely smashed an inflatable Santa Claus in my drunken stupor.4). I danced and just acted like a really drunk person.
Merry Christmas from the person i love the most in the world (From me to me!).
Also holy shit, watch out for my smile. Wouldn't want to die cause of its brilliance (god).
Uh, i thought it was only a mistake but a lot of people have told me i look really sad in the picture. Uh…
Sad? Far from it! That smile of yours put the merry in Merry Christmas. :>
Are the movie and book(?) any good?
Sad? Far from it! That smile of yours put the merry in Merry Christmas. :>
Are the movie and book(?) any good?
Movie is awesome. I haven't read the comic but i've heard so many good things about Asano. Also, it's Fantagraphics so it's a safe bet.
Thank you for the compliments honey 3
I didn't expect to get anything for christmas this year, so I was pretty surprised to find that my dad did leave something for me before he left for the next 3days.
Money, Skullshaped booze (which is actually called "Fuck") and cigarettes. And Smarties. My dad knows me too well~
Had a great night with my best mates~
Drinking whiskey, roasting marshmallows on an open fire, exchanging gifts with each other, etc.
My God Daughter really took a shine to the stuffed toy I got her, which made me smile to no end.
Even took it with her when she went to bed. XD
Me with a paper hat:
But the most awesome moment of the night was receiving this gift:
I technically have a branded piece of clothing now lol
One of my generous friends got me a shirt made with my youtube channel name on it.
Moments like these make you truly appreciate amazing friends! :)
Christmas! Here's me wearing one of my presents around my neck:
and here's some general pics of Christmas Stuff (The Tree, My Presents, my dog)
mm … yes, I consider this a good excuse to share my collection as well xD
I know this is a late reply, but is that a KUMATORA and WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MEGA AMPHAROS?!
I know this is a late reply, but is that a KUMATORA and WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MEGA AMPHAROS?!
It is Kumatora, got her randomly from an independent vendor from vancouver or something like that. I don't think any more exist.
As for Mega Ampharos, a while back it was released by pokemon center so I had it imported. It was back when they started doing certain megas from x and y. I think currently they're doing some of the oras ones, like mega sceptile, mega swampert, and shiny mega metagross.
Christmas drinking with a good friend.
The best Christmas present I got this year:
! It took 5½ hours to do and, needless to say perhaps, near the end it was pure torture. I had no idea how much it hurts to fill in the blacks… The only one I got to blame is myself though, since I specifically asked for contrast. :D
And then much older pictures from Milan, where me and my boyfriend traveled to this summer.
(This one is actually from Genoa.)
Kissing on the rooftop of Duomo. Blasphemy!!
Another one from Genoa.
There is a large castle behind me.
The same castle, but closer. There was a shitload of people visiting that day, but sadly we didn't have enough time and on all the other days we tried it was closed…
Ice cream. Delicious. Every day. All the time. You have to eat it if you want to survive the heat.
Getting drunk, woo!
My very own Marilyn Monroe-moment.
Sad lion statue is sad.
Nice Photos Lacasina. Loved that Tatoo! Someday i will get one too (What i want is a Tengu Ukiyo-e).
Also, second part of my Christmas present Arrived.
[![](http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g161/prismal/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141230_184148862_zpsotpiavgb.jpg)](http://s56.photobucket.com/user/prismal/media/Mobile Uploads/IMG_20141230_184148862_zpsotpiavgb.jpg.html)
Yes, i gift myself books. I'm the weird kid. Don't bully me. The Petite Prince Moleskine is not from amazon like the other stuff but it is also a gift from my favorite person :3
woah, you're learning japanese? :o that's one of the things, I want to do for years but always put off (But I feel 2015 will be the year!)
woah, you're learning japanese? :o that's one of the things, I want to do for years but always put off (But I feel 2015 will be the year!)
Same thing here.
I've come to notice that out of 100 people who say they want to learn japanese, maybe one or two actually go through with it.
Same goes for people who like K-Pop and swear they'll learn Korean.
I'm currently failing at both of these languages after months of not studying :ninja:
Same thing here.
I've come to notice that out of 100 people who say they want to learn japanese, maybe one or two actually go through with it.
Same goes for people who like K-Pop and swear they'll learn Korean.I'm currently failing at both of these languages after months of not studying :ninja:
I'm still trying to figure out a good way to learn it but my brother and his wife both learned it, so i could get tipps (and books) from them… just haven't come around yet to actually ask, haha.
Hey, at least I can say "my name is" and swear words and stuff before I even started to seriously learn it! that's a start, isn't it? :D
And for a long time I was debating with myself if I should refresh french and spanish. I can hardly say anything anymore in those languages, which makes me really sad (all those years WASTED!!!). But learning japanese is now a priority to those two.
And what rly puts me off about japanese are the signs. it's like you have to learn the language in 2 different ways? Like even if you'd actually be able to speak it (And I think I'm pretty solid with pronounciation already), this still won't be enough if you actually go to japan, cuz WEIRD SIGNS EVERYWHERE :'(
You always need reference material for languages heh heh :B
Went to a New Years Eve party with some real good friends last night.
Here are some photos of me then. Surprisingly, I actually looked kinda cute which is rare for me.
Rare? You always look really nice. Don't say that D:
Eh, my face has some major problems. My Chin is evil.
Just letting you know that your image can't be seen (can't link directly into your gmail mailbox).
Well, i can't see the chin in the first pic so i guess it must be plotting something evil behind that glass so i'll give you that b:
Just letting you know that your image can't be seen (can't link directly into your gmail mailbox).
how can i put my image?
how can i put my image?
You'll have to reupload it somewhere that allows for publicly sharing the image such as photobucket or imgur or facebook depending on your privacy settings on those pictures
does my image work now
Yes it does. Nice picture!