Speaking of blood bending, some guys at avatarspirit.net believe that certain high-ups at nick try to sabotage avatar like they supposedly did with other shows before that might damage nick's image.
for example:
I'm an animation student, and I have been learing this and that about channels and what shows they air. As for Nickelodeon, they have the policy of being a 'kids channel', purely for shows that are popular with kids.
This, however, causes Nickelodeon to not pay attention too much to shows that don't fall in the kid's category. Some of you might remember 'Ren & Stimpy', which became highly popular with adults, thus lifting it from its status as a kid's show. Nickelodeon got lots of viewers, but what happened?
Nickelodeon purposely did the unthinkable. They kept the rights to Ren & Stimpy, but stopped the show from being aired or continued. They pulled the plug, without the possiblity of it resurfacing on another channel (for a long time). Not because of its bad ratings, but because of the fact it was no longer a 'pure kids show'. They didn't care about the audience or the animators who loved it… they just cared about the name of their network!
So there you have it... Now, I don't think Avatar will stop airing before season three is fully finished...But it does explain why Nickelodeon advertises it so poorly. In their eyes, it's supposed to be a kid's show. But since Avatar has reached the masses beyond kids, it's dangerous to their 'kids channel image', so they don't air it too much. I feel bad for a good show like Avatar, but that's the way things go...
Weirdly enough, if Nick was insanely profit-orientated, Avatar would have lots more advertising and attention
Strangley enough.. i believe you both make very valid points.. which confuses me Yo and Jin..
Avatar has pretty much crossed the bridge to an older audience.. I'm an animation student too, and I can't tell you, how many adults at this school watch avatar.. It's far out numbers the amount of kids I know that watch the show.. The kids just say.. its to boring.. they talk to much..
Nick is based on profit.. i believe that Jin. They focus on profit just like any other big buisness. But if they focused to much on Avatar, then they will loose some of their kid audience. Which they can't afford to do, since they air so many other shows….
This discussion started cuz nick aired no preview for ep 306 after ep 305 :)