Rules are as follows:
- Each entry in the list starts with 20HP.
- There is a cap on HP of 25. If it reaches 25, you can't heal it any higher and if you try to, your turn will be ignored and you'll have to wait the full 30 minutes until your next turn.
- You can only have a turn once every 30 minutes.
- You have the choice of adding or taking away up to 3 points total. Once it reaches 0, mark it as DEAD if you are the one to make the killing blow.
Here is an example of moves you can make with your 3 points:
+3/-0, +0/-3, +2/-1, or +1/-2
Conduct: - It is frowned upon to use alts to aid your effort to make your favorite win the round.
- Please steer clear of consecutively hurting or healing.