You gotta ask yourself: How can something like this exist?
DBZ Malaysian english dub
Yea, they dubbed movies 5 and 6, right? Those dubs circulated pretty well back in the fansub tapes days… Heck, they were much easier to find then the subbed versions, unfortunately.
Got to love how Tullece can laugh when his mouth is closed.
The way he says "liquor" kills me.
"take your hands off from Gohan"
Oh man I think I remember those! We used to borrow them from a shop (they were VCDs BTW), and the dubbing was so bad I'd watch them just for a good laugh! But then I outgrew them and would rather watch Teletubbies than it. Sucks to age :/
The funniest(or saddest) part is that that dub was actually perfectly legal and apparently even aired in theaters in the Philippines. Can you imagine yourself paying 10 bucks to watch that shit?
"Goku…listen...a trouble something had happen."
Oh man, this is terribly awesome!
I still prefer "let that child alone" over "take your hand off from Gohan."
I've seen these before. They're like the HK subs, only they're spoken. "Come, magic cloud!" has to be my favorite.