…aka the place where my random chibi comics (including the 3 Marimos) will go.
I decided since I tend to do a lot of these, or at least want to, they needed their own thread. Also, this will help me remember to draw all those people that requested it so long ago! (I'm sorry guys!)
So, here's the deal. I'll start a list on this post, starting with people I've already drawn and update it as I getrequests. Just simply…. post on here and let me know, and I'll add you...
Basically, what I'll do here is short little comic strips, of stuff that amuses me on the forums, or whatever I decide to draw.... Maybe some group shots, if people want, or if I decide to do some.
A few things to keep in mind:
1- If I don't know what you look like, I'll go by assumptions or by your avatar…
2- I do things in random order, as you all know. So bear with me, plz.
3- They may or may not be colored, only if I feel like it. And having a wacom ususally helps too, which I don't at the moment....
4- Sometimes, depending on the situation at hand, I may draw you without permission. So, if you don't want to be a chibi (and dear god, who wouldn't XD) Then let me know now, so I don't draw you XD
5- If there is a specific way you want to be drawn, please tell me, and I'll do my best to incorporate that into my style. Otherwise, creative freedom ftw >:3
6- I'm not making money off of these, its just for fun. And to get my inspiration back, wherever the hell it went.... Elusive bugger.
7- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY (yes, there had to be stipulations here at some point)
Let's carry on then, shall we?
THE LIST of AP CHIBIS! - Now in Alphabetical order! AND direct links to where you can find all the chibis~ 8D You guys should thank me, this took too damn long >_\
Aldrich - p11
Aoi Neko - p38
Bee's Wing - p16, p51, p55
Bushido - p1, p1, p3, p16, p24, p33, p45, p50, p51, p55
Buuhan1 - p1
Cap'n Carter - p11
Captain Usopp - p1, p16, p51
CoralSnake - p55
Cosmic Debris - p1
Cr4zy - p50
CrimsonDreamer - p1
Cyringohn - p11
DaisukeCP9 - p36
Dan - p52
Darlaka - p51
Devilfruitgrower - p16
Dinty - p1, p1, p3, p45
Dragon Warrior - p38, p38, p50, p52
e1n (Panda!e1n) - p1
eggy - p1
EvilgamerX - p16
Fleur - p55
Gaara D. Lucci - p38, p50
Gorlom - p50
HEATXZ - p50
Hyper Dingo - p16
Iron Law - p38
Jadiesama - p1, p16
Jay_n_Silentbob - p50
JessVixen - p1
jmbjr - p50
KaizokuFan22 - p38
Kaze - p50
Kitsu_Kusanagi - p55
Kuroneko - p38
Kyra - p51
Local-chan - p1, p1, p36, p55
Mr. All Sunday - p16
Ms Cricket - p1, p16, p51
Monkey D. Hoffy - p12, p16, p24, p51
MoonNeko - p55
Myoti - p55
Neko - p1, p1, p3, p16, p24, p38, p45, p51, p55
Nguyen - p1
oceanizer - p1
Omnichild - p1
Pass The Rootbeer (Rootbeer Sandwich) - p1, p16, p19, p55
Paulie - p16, p55
Raj - p16
Ral - p16
Royce - p52
Roz - p3, p11
Sanctum - p38
Senshi Mizaka - p16
Shiny - p52
Sills_Heat - p55
Supaluigi - p16
Taboo - p1, p38
Takinawa Tonfa - p16
Throes - p55
Toshiya - p12, p55
Traitor_Jim - p55
Usoppthesilverfox - p55
Warp - p16
Yoska - p16
Youshi_Semenjyu - p55
Requests remaining: I haven't forgotten about you guys! edit Also, people I'm adding on myself…
Bounty1Berry (this should be interesting…)
DougyDougyGiro (When you ever get around to drawing me I would like it if I was wearing a bowler hat and a fred perry shirt with a beard and sideburns.)
Taboo (RozxCarter & CosmicxTaboo >:3)
Traitor Jim (I so gotta draw her~ XD)
Mr. Dark
DrunkenPanda (Put a bottle of sake in it as well making me somewhat drunk.)
Buuhan1 (kekeke....)
Outlawz (As long as my chibi is sporting a hoody, it's all good.)
OnePieceLover12 (I have curly, sandy blond hair (if you're coloring), a round, symmetrical face, with a kind-of-large nose, I wear glasses, and I am an overall nerd, so feel free to incorporate that element. If these criteria are not specific enough, please feel free to request more.)
Generic_Soda (Could I get a chibi, please? It needs cases of Cola in it. And a D. Gray-Man uniform.)
Strings (yes... as Phoenix Wright XD)
A note about these particular requests, they will be done mainly at my discretion, since they will involve more time and conceptualization XD However the only one that can be added to is the Zodiac chibis of course, I'll draw as many as…well however many people request them =3
Rocky Horror AP Picture Show: who knows where I'll go with this, but I really liked the idea, so I want to do something fun with this! Plus, Halloween is coming up, so this is perfect =3 Also, I picked people I thought would be appropriate for the roles, except of course the ones that Rootbeer suggested.
Dr. Frank-n-Furter - Pass the Rootbeer (of course!)
Janet Weiss - Ms Cricket
Brad Majors - supaluigi
Riff Raff - Local chan
Magenta - Omnichild
Columbia - Neko
Dr. Scott - Dinty
Rocky Horror - Bushido
The Criminologist - Greg
Eddie - Senshi Mizaka
Ralph -
Betty - Captain Usopp
Transylvanian Dancers - Kuroneko, Throes, Roz, Buuhan1
I dunno if this will get to you in time, and I was thinking about this particular idea in chibi form would create epic lulz for you.
Since Toshiya, Sanctum, and myself are Aipom, Sharpedo, and Slowpoke trainers respectively by our titles, I always wondered what it'd look like if we were drawn in Pokemon suits to look like them, kinda like the halloween costumes you see under the Pokemon franchise. XD
So there ya go…. also, with the reappearance of Bushido and his Pokeman crown XD In a He-Man pose...as either a Voltorb or Weavile.... dear god its gonna be scary epic lulz, I know it XD
Bee's Wing - ScorpioGiraffe
Neko - AquariusKitty
Ms Cricket - PiscesSeaHorse
Rootbeer - TaurusTranny
Cap'n Carter - PiscesRabbit
tony-kun - LibraHorse
supaluigi - VirgoRooster
KaizokuFan22 - TaurusOx
DeadJustice - ScorpioRat
Aldrich - GeminiDog
Heatxz - AquariusHorse
Toshiya - TaurusDragon
Bushido - SagittariusSheep
Jay_n_Silentbob - VirgoSnake
DougyDougyGiro - SagittariusSnake
BlackGalleon1 - TaurusDragonLion
Myoti - ScorpioDragon
Paulie - LeoTiger...Liger X3
TakinawaTonfa - VirgoTiger
Sanctum - AriesSheep
Mr. Evil - LeoFoxyHorse
darlaka - LeoOx (longhair X3)
Hoffy - AriesDragon
Throes - TaurusSnake (Bullsnake?)
Meh - LibraSnake (SNAKES ON A SCALE, LOL!)
Kuroneko - SagittariusDragon
Devilfruitgrower - GeminiMonkey
nessfromhyrule - PiscesDragon
Gorlom - ScorpioOx
O_O Wow, that Zodiac list is longer than I thought! And lots of similar ones... But don't worry, It shall be done! WITH A DON! >;3
Right Said Fred's MV "I'm Too Sexy" starring Bushido XD
The Evils of Arlong Park! >:3 (Had an idea for this…)
Bee's Wing
League of Gentlemen, AP Chibi Style! (based off of Local-chan's fic, Welcome To Arlong Park!)
Cast - Originally posted by Local-chan
! Special Stuff: Local People:
! The Local Shop:
! Name: Cosmic Debris,
Gender: No Tail.
Age: Twelfty
Killings: 4
Local? Yes
Favourite Food: Onion.
! Name: OP-Man
Gender: Tail
Killings: 501
Age: 72
Local? No
Favourite Food: Cosmic.
! The Job Centre:
! Name: Omni-Child
Friends: Pens
! The Toad Family:
! Name: Changso Toad
Favourite Colours: Blue/Black
Toad: Xenophis Leavis
Occupation: Businessman
When happiest: At Stool (Upstairs)
Wank Gag: Going Mingo
! Name: Taboo Toad
Favourite Colours: Drab
Toad: Deaf Leaf
Occupation: Witch
When happiest: Crying
Wank Gag: Flick the bee
! Name: Chloe and Radclyffe Denton
Favourite colours: Scarecrow black.
Toad: Prefer Frogs
Occupation: Bad seeds
When Happiest: With their special friend
Wank Gag: Shaking hands with the governor of love.
! Name: Bad-Beat
Favourite Colours: Pale Blue
Toad: Baron Greenback
Occupation: Media Studies student
When Happiest: Masturbating
Wank Gag: Pump a gusher
! Arlong Park Plastics:
! Name: Buuhan
Marital Status: Separated
Guns owned: 44
Curry Strength: Vindaloo
Exercise: Nope.
Favourite Book: Teach yourself Target Practise
! Name: Tony Tony Chopper
Marital Status: Married
Guns owned: 0
Curry Strength: Tikka Massala
Exercise: Football
Book: ‘So, your best friend is a psycho?’
! Name: Warp
Marital Status: Co-habiting
Guns Owned: 0
Curry Strength: Mild Korma
Exercise: Swimming and Badminton.
Favourite Book: Ring of Bright Water
! The Vet’s
! Name: Pirate Neko
Chinese Star Sign: Year of the Dog
Motto: ‘I wonder if you’ll take a seat, I’ve some rather bad news.’
Achievement: Getting away with it
What keeps you awake at night: The souls of damned beasts clawing at the window.
Book: It shouldn’t happen to a Vet
! The Job Centre
! Name: Omni-Child
Occupation: Restart Officer
Star Sign: Virgo
Pen Type: Fountain
Friends: Pens
Temperament: Egregious
! Name: Majek
Occupation: Dolescum
Star Sign: Tuna
Pen Type: Crayon
Friends: Firemen
Temperament: Simple
! Name: Paulie
Occupation: Restart Officer/Dolescum
Star Sign: Cancer
Pen Type: Bic-Biro
Friends: 0
Temperament: Smug
! Duce’s Taxi’s
! Name: Duce
Sex: Male (Or was it Female?)
Number of operations: 12
Successful Operations: 0
Testicles: ½
Nipples: Bullets
! The Manor House
Name: eggy
Job: ‘Handy’ man
Boots: Black
Likes: Swarfega, Deer, Clean Boots
Dislikes: The Drainage on the lower fields
! Name: e1n
Job: None
Boots: Shoes
Likes: eggy
Dislikes: haircuts
! Crème Brulee
! Name: Greg Omae
Status: Widower
Fave Band: Fish turned Human
Best Session: A Day with Mitch Murray on his solo band ‘moods’
Person most admired: Jay Aston
Person most despised: Gina G
! M. Reed and Son’s
! Name: Mark Reed (Local-Chan)
Favourite Animal: Moo Cow
Favourite Cut: Breast
TV Programme: Doctor Who
Crew Member: Nico Robin
! Name: Hyper Dingo
Favourite Animal: Scotty Dog
Favourite Cut: Brisket
TV Programme: Noah and Nelly
Crew Member: Franky
! Name: EGX (Extreme Gamer X)
Favourite Animal: Snail
Favourite Cut: Knuckle Scrape
TV Programme: Children’s Ward
Crew Member: Captain Kirk
! The Newsagents
! Name: Terek
Chocolate Bar: King Size Mars Bar
Fizzy Drink: Barr’s Cola
Medicated Sweet: Raspberry Locket
Gentlemen’s Mag: Rustler
Lunch from Greggs: Chicken and Mushroom Pie
! Legz Akimbo:
! Name: Caracal
Equity Status: Blacklisted
Plays Written: 53
Favourite Issue: Bullying
Character Range: Tiny boy - Old Man
Other Skills: Forum Theatre, Anger Management
! Name: All Sunday
Equity Status: Provisional
Plays Written: 0
Favourite Issue: Unemployment
Character Range: Hobos, officials, AIDS
Other Skills: Tap, full, clean driving licence.
! Name: Anime Master
Equity Status: Full
Plays Written: 1 (Monologue, devised)
Favourite Issue: Gay Rights
Character Range: Juve Lead (M/F)
Other Skills: Fencing, accents, workshops
! Gyojin FM:
! Name: Bounty1Berry
Fruit: Tinned
Hobbies: Creating Fish/Human hybrids in the basement of the radio station
Book: ‘Bouncing Back’ by Bounty1Berry
Television: Banned
Quote: “When you stare at the Abyss, the Abyss stares at you.”
! Robo and Seta
! Name: Roboblue
Sex: Male
Interests: Line Dancing, Cycling
Favourite Meal: Calamares and Chips
Tattoos: Swallow on Neck
Favourite Marital Aid: The Exocet
! Name: Seta Ginny
Sex: Never
Interests: Fruit Machines
Favourite Meal: Beans on Toast
Tattoos: Robo Blue on cheeks (the hidden ones)
Favourite Marital Aid: Vallium
! The Video Store
! Name: Daisuke
Videos Rented: 560
Best Actor: Rambo
Best Actress: Carrie White
Best Killing: Head blowing up in Scanners
Weariest Film: War of the Buttons
! Name: Slaygore
Videos Rented: 559
Best Actor: Pinhead
Best Actress: Sylvia Kristel
Best Killing: Bambi’s mum
Weariest Film: Gazon Maudit (Subtitles)
! The Farm
! Name: Farmer ‘The’ Dude
Occupation: Farmer/Killer
Field: Ten Acre
Implement Best for capture: Hoe and Pitchfork
Hobbies: Feeding mice dry rice and water, watching them distend and then sewing up their mouths with wire
TV Programme: Country File
! Joke Shop
! Name: Devil Fruit Grower
Likes: A day spend wearing nothing but underpants
Dislikes: When the itching starts
Special Powers: Telekinesis, Mesmerism.
Abode: Romany Caravan
Favourite Joke: Sailor’s Friend, it’s a cunt in a box.
! Stump Hole Caverns
! Name: Wanderer-Zero
Best Asset: Sense of Humour
Likes: The Permian Era
Dislikes: The Dark, Redscar Caverns and associated potholes
Claim to Fame: Was killed by the Cybermen.
Regrets: The day a kiddie called Jay came on a School Trip
! Arlong Park Schools
! Name: Dragon Warrior
Subject: PE, English, RE, Ballet
Proud of: Booming Voice, Moustache
Favourite Play: Punch and Judy
Biggest Achievement: Voted Arlong Park Teacher of the year 9 times running
! Name: SuNa
Subject: Pressing Issues
Proud of: Innovative Ideas
Favourite Play: Lights Out by Legz Akimbo
Biggest Achievement: Escaping
Doctor Who AP Chibis! (thanks a lot guys, lol)
Originally posted/casted by Local-chan:
Doctor (10) : Neko
Martha Jones: Dinty
Captain Jack Harkness: Bushido
Proffessor YANA/The Master: Paulie
Harold Saxon/The Master: Local-chan
Lucy Saxon: Omni
Lazarus: Chang
Father of Mine: eggy
Son of Mine: e1n
Daughter of Mine: Taboo
Mother of Mine: Cosmic
Scarecrows/Cybermen/Judoon/Ood/Whatever/Daleks: Anyone else
Dalek Sec Hybrid: Dragon Warrior
Cult of Skaro: Toshiya, Hoffy, Buuhan and Warp
Novice Hame: Roz
Face of Boe: hummmm….whoever has a Big head?
Up next, the onslaught of all the chibiness I have drawn so far....