What improvements with Kinect? They're focusing more on casuals every day now because of Kinect, and beg people to buy it. It has sold, unfortunately, and all MS gives its hardcore fanbase, or whats left of it now anyways, is a Halo remake and Gears 3. That's it. Maybe if I were still a blind MS fan like I used to be (although even then I wasn't that bad and knew they made mistakes), maybe then I'd agree with you, but I've always been a Nintendo fan, even if I did sell my Wii.
Do you people want Nintendo to make a carbon-copy high-end PC wannabe console? Hey, at least the Wii-U will be stronger than the PS3.. Besides, no one knows what direction MS or Sony are gonna take with their next-gen consoles. For all we know, they might go the Wii way and have a console that's not too strong and focuses more on motion controls or some other gimmick. I've seen plenty evidence supporting the idea of Sony not making the PS4 a powerhouse. Worst-case scenario the Wii U will be the PS2 of next-gen, and we all know the PS2 had the strongest library out of the Xbox and Gamecube. Granted, I much preferred my GC and I had all 3 consoles but PS2 had much more games.
Sorry for bringing this up again
Yeah bro, because I love playing my games a tiny screen, with downgraded graphics, while watching Television, not being able to concentrate on each. I'm done trolling because of idiots like you who think that the Wii U will beat out MS when it isn't as good at casual gaming as Kinect, and not even close for hardcore gaming, the Wii is below even the PS3 for hardcore gaming. I'm not sure why you would think the Wii U would be the next PS2, let's line up all the new powerhouse games coming out this year : Halo remake, Gears 3, Elder Scrolls 5, Uncharted 3, Arkham City, Cod Mod 3, new Assassins Creed, Battlefield 3, Star Wars: The Old Republic…. Funny how none of these games will be branched out to Nintendo consoles, and if they are, it will be a highly downgraded version with shitty controls...
I admit, it was wrong for me to troll in another game system's domain, but seriously, all you have on MS is a Halo remake, and Gears 3, which is kind of funny because Nintendo is making a remake of SSB for Wii U and DS, sounds familiar to a certain shooter remake for MS, somewhat hypocritical on your part. But I'm done good day sir.