And yet little to no one was talking about it. His caliber was a retrospective one. Before he died, he had plumetted. Very few gave a shit. He didn't become beloved again until he died, and everyone started pretending the last 20 years didn't happen.
You say 20 years, yet even in the past 10 years he has had successful albums such as Invincible (not up to par with his initial success, but 10x Platinum is impressive by most standards.)
20 years ago he was still becoming increasingly popular and arguably reached the peak of his fame a few years past the '20 year' mark.
Aside from that, when someone who did contribute dies despite a 'lull', their accomplishments in life are generally recognized. And in this case it's Michael Jackson, one of the best most well known figures in general who accomplished a lot from the mid/late-60s for many decades. I think it's a positive thing that "the media"/"people" aren't extremely short-sighted and live only in 'current trends.' And I think you might greatly underrate Michael Jackson's status for the large part of many people's lives (not everyone was born in the mid-90s).
Though I doubt this is all that relevant to your point (you don't like seeing someone extraordinarily famous on the news after his death so you feel justified in complaining), just wanted to point something out.
A somewhat more poignant are recent example would be Mike Tyson. He was convicted or rape, he did many dislikable things and in general he might not be extremely 'well liked.' Yet even now without his death, if you talk about his boxing career, it would largely be positive. Ali is similar to an extent, despite all his trash talking and down-talking of many others (such as the infamous Frazier dispute), he is regarded positvely. I'm sure you could get into the same scenario with Elvis among countless others, MJ is hardly unique (though many will still label him a pedophile despite lack of evidence just 'gut feeling' based on his strangeness). Some people are able to seperate peronal flaws (being the butt of many jokes in MJ's case) from their accomplishments often enough.