I was reading some JLA in the library and found this;
[hide]http://www.intuitivewebdesigns.com/comics/graphics/superman/NewSuperman.jpg[/hide]The fuck is this? Is this a new look or just a temporary thing?
He got electricity based powers in '97 - (Superman Blue, I always called it). It lasted about a year. From memory that was partially during Morrision's fantastic run on JLA (Prometheus, Mageddon, etc), since I seem to remember New World Order had him in. I didn't follow superman specifically but I think the plot went something like this:
! -Superman randomly gains electricity powers that make him need a containment suit (superrman blue)
-One of his big enemies ( I think cyber superman) splits him in two
(superman red, superman blue)
-they recombine to become original superman.
Someone who read superman at the time could probably explain it in more depth.