Toyslogic is official, and I have bought an official POP from them that is stickerless.
It seems that they never get the stickers >_> It's really irresponsible to sell them without the stickers. I thought when I bought Mihawk it was just a one-time fluke ordeal they didn't get in their stickers but it sounds like they constantly don't have stickers.
The POPs sold that have or are SUPPOSED to have the Funimation stickers aren't any different from the japanese ones. They are sent directly over from the manufactuer in Japan and instead of the Toei sticker, which shows they are licensed for distribution in Japan or other parts of Asia, they are meant to be stuck with the Funimation sticker that shows they are liscensed for sale in North America.
No idea why they are irresponsible about the stickers, because RightStuf, whomever they get their POPs from, have sold POPs with the Funimation sticker on them. But the POPs Toyslogic sell are indeed official, and they let me check over Mihawk before I bought him (got him at a con, not online).