PokÃmon? Nyah-ha! Good ol' days where just about every country was obsessed in an evil money scheme to catch 'em all… I guess It was slightly more inoscent, but still, I lost a lotta cash to pokÃmon, but I gotta admit, I loved the games...
For my favourites, well, they gotta be Red, Blue 'n' Gold. The three I owned! I did that level up cheat too, you had to find a person in the second town or summit and talk to him with certain equipment... Or... I dunno, but I duplicated loadsa items and leveled up my babies!
I remember once 'trading' pokÃmon with a freind so that she could have my big turtle evolved thing on her gameboy 'owned' list and traded it with me with one of those snakiethingymabbobies, anyway, on the trade back, the link cable fell out and TA-DAA! There were two giant turtle things, copied stats 'n' all! poor snake disappeared, but nobody wanted it anyway… I'm just glad that I didn't lose my 'first' Ehe…
I was so obsessed, it fell out of favour with my with the 4-kids anime and all in all, I've spent hundreds of berries on that damn thing that it almost makes me cry... Oh well, whatcha gonna do? trots off