He looks cool, I've just paid for mine from HLJ. That version of Gohan is my favourite character, can't wait to have it. Some sparks would have been perfect, I'll search it for it.
I thought about using the sparks from the figuarts zero trunks i have, since they wrap around it would look perfect. But they dont seem to fit in place well so that wont work, im sure theres something that could work.
Yessss VM, thanks for the pics! Gohan looks pretty great!
I think it's fine that he's noticeably smaller in scale, I like that actually. I want to get him soon!!!
Does he NEED that nasty blue foot base to stand?
Yeah he can stand without it, although his hair makes him somewhat top heavy so theres always that risk. But i did see another guy on mfc who had his with a bent foot issue, where one foot was flat while the other wasnt. Heres his pics of it MFC, MCF2. It might just be an isolated issue for his , or how it was packed in the box.
As far as MSP figures go though ive been pretty happy with all the ones i have so far, i think as for DBZ they should give us at least one version of ss trunks, as well as some non saiyan characters. Im still waiting for a toriko master stars figure, but with the series merchandise dried up, and tv series gone i dont expect to see that one.