I recently started reading the manga and enjoy`s it. Should I watch the anime instead (like I did with OP) or read the manga?
In other words; Whats best, the manga or the anime? Thanks.
I recently started reading the manga and enjoy`s it. Should I watch the anime instead (like I did with OP) or read the manga?
In other words; Whats best, the manga or the anime? Thanks.
Well probably its me 90% of the time, I
ll admit that. But the thread I talked about wasnt my fault at all. But now, seeing the moderators just dont care I
ll bash back…..
I have started 10-12 topics since I started here, and there are at least 40000 topics on this forum which means my topics are 0,0025% of the total topics on this forum. But okay, I`ll try to not make as many topics.
Ive read the last chapter and seen the last episode of ONe Piece too, so there isn
t really much to say anymore.
PS; Just as in my other threads Loca-chan ones again steers this discussion in the direction of the island "OFF-TOPIC!"
Yeah, it was you who`s bithing Loca-chan I remember it. And btw; It was impossible to find that post without knowing it was already there.
Local-chan; Where in the qupte does it say "STUPID" as I have stated earlier, I have never EVER called somebody STUPID on this forum.
And your quote doesn`t excaactly contradict me.
BTW; Your quote is out of context, I was annoyed because somebody (12 JAngo I think) was posting post after post about something OFF-TOPIC. But i never called him anything!
Im not liked in real life either, but people doesn
t bash me without any reason. If that guy who I didnt know of before today had anything against me then he could have PM
d me or opened a thread instead of ruining something that didn`t have anything to do with me in the first place.
I dont act as if my opinion is a fact, I just thought every one here was smart enough to understand that what I say about Azumanga Dioh or whatever, is MY opinion. I think it`s unecessary to write "this is my OPINION" at the end or beggining of every thread I make.
I thought people were smart enough to understand that….
Why I think Dragon is evil;
1; He is powerfull, and a revolutionist. Yes, his revolting against the corrupt WG, but he probably has his owns plans (Darth Vader-ish plans).
2: He is the only D. who looks evil.
3: He hasn`t been bonding with Luffy, making it easier for Luffy (and us) to see them fight.
I think Dragon is the Darth Vader of One Piece. He is opposing an evil force (WG) but he probably has his own plans, and I think he will try to make Luffy join him. But in the end I think it will end with a father-son fight. And besides, Luffy has a fathers-figur in Shanks already, so if Shank and Dragon are enemies then there is no doubt that Luffy and Dragon = Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.
Does some of the senior members have any priveliges? Like being able to bash and threaten other users without even getting a warning?
I just recently started a suggestion thread to the KF-fansubbers, and got attacked by somebody whom I don`t wish to name.
That somebody threatend me and told me that he would "smack the stupidity out of my face" if he ever saw me.
Although he probably never will be able to beat me because we live in different countries (and because I`m stronger) it is kind of degrading to be talked to in that way just because I had suggestion.
Is this the kind of forum the moderators want? A forum where users are being threatened and humiliated? Yeah I have bashed anime show`s but I have NEVER EVER called someone stupid on this forum.
So why the hell should somebody else be allowed to do so because he is a senior member?