sogeking has a theme song whereas chopperman does not have a theme song
Latest posts made by Kazu-kun
RE: Sogeking or Chopperman?
Something increadibly interesting that I'd like to share with you all
About 3 weeks ago a friend of mine said and I quote.
"One Piece is shit, there is virtually no plot, and the artwork sucks."
I responded with
"The characters a more original and better than the bland '12-16 year old emos who run around angsty who do nothing but whine about how much their lives suck' as apposed to One Piece, consisting of characters that 'are actually likable"
He responded with (I'm adlibbing after this because I don't remember exactly what he said, but this is the gist of it)
"Oh yes. Arg I'm a stupid little kid who can stretch around lets go out on an adventure. I am sameerye who wields 3 SWORDS I'll join you. I'm a smoking cook I make perfect sense on a pirate ship, let's go… need to go on"
I responded with the obvious
"At least watch a damn episode or read a damn chapter"
"I hate you. You're right, One Piece is awesome. Damn you!"I am being 100% serious about this. Just something that I would like to share.
RE: Lost a File
So for the first time ever I've managed to be in a rush and accidentally delete a file I wanted to keep, semi-conscious of myself doing it. I simply scroll over 5 files, only 4 were copied over, press delete, "I ll grab it and restore it in a minute".
I can't find the file. It's just gone. This was recent, there have been no major changes to my computer since then, the whole folder/file is just gone, the program I'm using to find it has old old old files from years and years ago, but no, not this one.
Anyone have a good way to get this back?
Go to C: check the documents and settings folder, then check owner folder, then desktop. Your computer might have saved a backup without you knowing.
RE: Japanese?
I know there is already a japanese thread, but if i post that there, ill prollly get ignored, forgive me,
I took japanese courses for 5 months… and passed the only japanese course in the area....
sad thing, is that that is as far as it goes.... and the teacher sucked, so i fifnt learn much.
now, the only options i can tell i have are...
1: Finish the rest of the textbook on my own: (this will be really difficult)
2. find some programs to help me learn. (I have jpquicktrans to use as a dictionary, and kanjigold, but i never could figure out how that is helpful -_-)
3. just keep on translating manga with the help of a dictionary (Long and difficult.... i dont know if i'd learn japanese this way, and if i did, it would be full of bad grammar.... but i ultimately want to translate manga anyways, so this is the direct route :P)
any advice?
depending how old you are… go to your local college and see if there are any instructional classes on japanese.
RE: DS Lite?
It's stupid that different countries have different colors.
We're getting that "silver" one this month. Hey at least we got crimson :happy:
RE: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
I'm sorry, this looks too much like a cross between DBZ and that horrible Naruto RPG game for the ps2.
RE: はじめまして
Ello'. I'm actually a long time stalker of this site (LONG time as in many years). One of those people that like to stalk the forums for info but never give anything back.
In other words, yes, I am a leecher, but I am the best leecher I know.
Until today, when I decided to stop leeching. (although in many ways I am probably still technically leeching..)
Been reading one piece for ages, since Skypiea (which really isn't that long in One Piece's entire lifespan, but is quite a few years now I think…... or not) Well. Whatever. Important thing is I like one piece? Probably.
I also like Harvest Moon, getting thwamped by my brother at Smash Brothers and and taking insanely long and time consuming summer credit courses while have no idea what my major is going to be.
yay! Time to go feed my chickens and spend ages wooing a Mineral Town boy : / Why do they only visit once a week? /geek
Hope this was a good intro post and not spam-worthy. It's hard with intro posts so I try.
Don't call yourself a leecher. Call yourself a lurker, that's what you are after all, and don't be ashamed :D!
RE: Chrono Trigger DS
wow joygasm. To be honest I still want Akira Toriyama to do the art in this.