Man this is sooooo cool!! I went this site and man does this guy named Bleedman has the coolest looking comic ever, and it involes the Powerpuff Girls.
It's so cool, his style and texture, it's realy good. It's The powerpuff girls meeting all the other carton network stars. You have to see this for yourselves!!
Bleedman, the comic master??
He's okay. I used to like his comics but lately they've been so ooc…. >__> And he tries to put in random funny moments when it's supposed to be serious. I mean, he has nice art, but it's just been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It feels like I'm reading fanfiction.
I think it is fanfiction and I love every bit of his work up to date. I'm gonna print the comic so far and share it with my friends, right after I email him…
Feh.. I still wouldn't call him a comics master…. btw, this should be in Media, yes?
I thought it was a girl O_o
But yeah, really good comics. Unbelievable detail.
It's in the general descussion cause it's from the web, not a video game, or TV show, the web… As you can see from other web based thread that are in the General Discussion...
It's a comic, shouldn't it be in media?
I don't kow about comics, so I put it in here…
Bleedman creeps me out. He makes my pedo-sense go CRAZY. Also, I am of the opinion that his "doujinshi" is one of the biggest piles of crap ever.
You take that back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, you have your own opinion, but it doesn't mean it's true… -
Bleedman is an excellent artist. He pays a lot of attention to detail, and it amazes me how he can take characters from all kinds of shows and draw them in his own style. But, I can't stand his "doujinshi". Like Taboo said, it's like reading a fan fic. A really bad, fangirly fan fic. The kind where it's fast paced, you have no idea what's going on, and there are sentences like "and tehy kiss OMGLOL". Well, maybe it's not that bad. But it's getting there.
It makes me sad when good artists waste their talent.
Printing Complete, yay!!!
heard about him a long time ago. good artwork but the story is lacking
Yeah,I only like his character spreads….I don't like his fan-comic.