Look at Magneto's juggle infinite with crouching HP. That's just bad programming no matter what excuse you try to make.
Point taken. :getlost:
Also, your team of three people better include Magneto, Storm, Cable, or Sentinel if you don't wanna get ass raped by someone with a team consisting of Magneto, Storm, Cable, or Sentinel.
God… I hate those four.
Although, I use Magneto and Storm for fun with Dictator.
I absolulely HATE Cable and Sentinel.
I had friends and cousins who uses the shit outta them so I had to find a way to defeat them and I did.
Sigh... Magneto does make my victory quicker...
But, I try to use Capcom characters anyways.
The game's massive imbalance basically making the roster of people you pretty much have to use come to a whopping four.
I guess. You do see them ALOT in tournaments.
But, at least it ain't like 8 or 12 assholes like Magneto, Storm, Cable, and Sentinel.
They are the "Shadaloo of Marvel vs Capcom 2"
Whoo, take me for a ride, MVC2! With all FOUR of your worthwhile characters!
Most cars can seat five people… :ninja: