In reality, the demographics of male to female gamers fluctuates, but in recent years, it's constantly been extremely close to 50-50. Polling and census gathering for gaming as a whole rarely turns up a number that's more than 5% off of a perfect split.
The 50-50 male/female gamer ratio study uses date that includes simple phone games like angry birds and such. Its been disproven as an accurate survey.
Male gamers are still the main market so game companies focus on catering to them. But if game companies want to include a female lead and its a good game then I'm sure nobody would complain. However, if you pressure game companies to insert token minority characters just to fill an equality quota then it comes off as forced and nobody wants that.
Good female characters DO exist, and as I pointed out earlier, The evolution of Lara Croft and exploring her original portrayal vs. her current portrayal shows that female representation in games is DEFINITELY Getting better, and nobody is denying that.
Sorry, but Lara Croft's new version is much worse than her previous versions. She went from badass adventurer who didn't' take crap to a whiny crybaby that breaks down every few seconds. Unless reducing her cup size is suddenly regarded as better characterization, which is incredibly shallow.
We are right about 50% of the player base, but we're only represented as playable characters 25% of the time.
If I assume you're female from the 'we', then why does your signature have all males as mains for smash? Is it because you just like playing those characters or is it because of their genders? (I'm assuming, I apologize if I'm wrong).
Most gamers don't really care if they're playing a representation of their gender or sexuality, they play as the character. Personally I preferred playing as Ellie in Last of Us instead of the Joel because her story was much more challenging and fun being the little girl taking down zombies and cannibals. It doesn't mean I want to be a little girl in real life, just playing as that character was fun. I've heard many gamers loved Clementine in the walking dead. I'm sure players liked it for the story/gameplay itself, not the single fact you could play as a female.
Plus, ad campaigns like this one are still a thing that happen. I have LITERALLY NEVER seen an ad campaign for a video game do this to a male character. There has never been a "Twilight Movie Poster" for video games.
Fighting games are aimed at male players. They use sex to sell that. Boys like boobs, thats just advertising 101. You see them pull that in beer and car advertising too.
And thats also Japan, what do you expect?
Also look at any God of War poster. Its a big shirtless muscular guy, that twilighty enough for you?
That's also not even STARTING with
. I mean, anyone who's Goal is to let Gamer Developers just make GOOD games without forcing them to change their intent to fill quotas, the LGBT situation should actually be something that irritates you two. I can think of at least two LGBT Characters in Japanese games that got censored in America. Poison from the Street Fighter Series, and Vivian from Paper Mario 2. The two companies doing those characters felt the need to change those Transgender characters in America. Poison's trans status NEVER gets mentioned IN the games due to this, and when asked in an interview, the producer of the series said basically that she's Pre-Op in Japan, and Post-Op in America, because American gamers wouldn't like Poison otherwise. And Vivian, that sympathetic portrayal of a trans character just got flat out censored out of the game in America.
I doubt you'll find a single pro GGer who will argue that games should censor out transgender characters. America is usually shit when it comes to translating Japanese games over, blame the publishing company or whatever. Once again, gamers wont care about the sexuality of the character if its a good game. If you feel strongly enough about that LGBT issue then start your own movement, nobody is stopping you.