Oda introduced Yamato as "daughter" to make it clear it wasn't a disguise, typo, Ivonokov thing, body switch with Oden or whatever else.
But since that one time, Yamato explained himself, and literally every character in the series has referred to him as "he".
EVERY character.
Even the villains.
I try to be impartial in this forum because mod reasons, because yes, the "i am Oden" thing muddies it a tiny bit, (maybe just Oda trying to ease the idea in for the audience by starting it with a gag?) but I'm really tired of trying to straddle the middle line and be polite about it.
Unless Yamato says otherwise, go with "he". Otherwise you're just being disrespectful to the character and anyone else that happens to be trans that you refuse to accept the pronouns for. It makes YOU look like an ass, more than it makes Yamato look "confused".
It's been a year, you've had time to be confused, and then time to be educated, and time to understand that not all gender norms are what YOU think they must be.
But this is what my post was talking about.
Yamato's logic is this: I am Oden –-> Oden was a man ---> Therefore I am a man
If you refuse to acknowledge her as Oden, why acknowledge her as a man? If she is not Oden then what makes her a man to you? Her entire basis for being a man was being Oden.
Not acknowledging Yamato as Oden is the most disrespectful to her identity but it's not seen as a problem? Why? How come you don't treat her as if she's Oden?
Before anybody comes at me, i'm not trying to be an "ass", i'm genuinely trying to understand.