So I decided I wanted to make a tiny contribution of my own. Since I am not at all artistically inclined, I figured I'd work out one of the things I've been wanting to do in a while.. and Tabasco Boshi provided me with the perfect fodder material, so thanks for that. :wub:
The only problem I ran into is that the filesize is a big pain in the hattori, and as such it was clear pretty quickly this wasn't ever going to be avatar material (as I originally wanted it to be, coo~) that I pretty much decided to go for smoothness of animation and general quality all the way… so instead I present to you, hidden in a spoiler-tag because these images are about as big as 90 separate ones... (Oh, and pngcrush keeps breaking the animation, so I don't even get that benefit... :()
! The Super Hattori Introduction Sequences! (Because all Super Heroes get one of those awesome single scene shots when they first enter the scene in their awesome battle outfit!)
! I made a few other versions that pause on the relevant hattoris (since the above is way too busy to use as an avatar) but I realized apforums is probably gonna rape my webspace with just the single image… so yeah. The above will have to suffice unless I find a hoster that doesn't discriminate against fat hattoris. Perhaps I'll make another version with a bumper transition between fruity hattoris at some point, but at this point I'm fed up with fighting this silliness. :)