why do the seniors need luck? is there a responsibility I'm evading unknowingly?
Posts made by wanderer-zero
RE: Staff and forum feedback.
RE: My pc can't get a decent signal. I need a range extender or better card…help!
You can always try relocating your wireless router to an open and higher area. Keep it out of cabinets and enclosed spaces.
RE: The image-auto-resizing function.
Cute dogs are always the most vicious. My thousand dog bites are proof, I swear.
I was under the assumption that clinking an attached image would full size it… or is he talking about another type of image? Linking to images maybe?
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
So it's more efficient to you, but it isn't for others, so why can't a change be made. My proposed change would not further inconvenience you not to mention it would create a straight line pointing people to the proper sections of the website. http://arlongpark.net would point to the news, apforums.net would point to the forums. All you would have to do is change your bookmark for apforums to arlongpark. Also for new/future users, this would show clearly what apforums.net is supposed to be, a discussion forum.
The example of the search engine was merely an example of the role of efficiency and speed in web design. Regardless of what type of website we are, I don't see why we shouldn't want to load our pages as quickly as possible and have our layout/design be less complicated and more intuitive.
Let me give you two scenarios:
A: http://arlongpark.net takes you to the Wiki and has a link to http://apforums.net which is the One Piece news tab. On http://apforums.net there is a link that takes you to the actual forums.
B: http://arlongpark.net takes you to the One Piece news tab and http://apforums.net takes you to the actual forums. Somewhere on both http://arlongpark.net and http://apforums.net there is a link to the Wiki that used to be http://arlongpark.net.Which one makes more sense?
What do "drones" have to do with our discussion? If we wanted to make things as easy as possible for them we should really be directing them to mangastream's website in any case =p
The people who are discussing the change are not coming here for the news, they're coming here for the forums and discussions. If I only came here for the news, you're right I've been actually helped(though I could argue why we should post news about spoilers too then but that's not on the table right now), but apforums was never about being a news site. It's a forum and it's fair to expect to be taken to a forum when anyone clicks their bookmark, types in the link, clicks the link through a google search or finds the link on http://apforums.net.
EDIT: I'd like to point out I am totally handing zKaiser money under the table.
EDIT 2: I apologize for assuming you got worked up, my fault, this is a good talk. -
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
I'm pro-News page because the hassle is so abysmally small that the sheer act of bitching about it is ridiculous. How little time do you have on here that you can't spare three extra seconds (if that) to get to the index page? If you're running THAT low on time, perhaps you shouldn't be on here to begin with. I mean that's just freaking ridiculous.
Actually good webdesign is all about efficiency. Why do you think google got so much more popular than yahoo? It was easy to use, direct to the point, and quick. GUI design in general is about efficiency actually so this goes past web design.
Why are you so worked up anyway?
The last thing we need is 2-3 people bitching!!! STAT STAT!!!
Don't you know that one complaint online corresponds to one million complaints in real life?! So it's two to three million complaints!
How good of a One Piece fan are you if you don't know by instinct? Who doesn't check Mangastream first? Come on.
I actually really like the chrome extension All Mangas Reader. Don't even need to go to mangastream to check anymore.
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
Given by your response, wouldn't it be more logical that http://arlongpark.net/ point to the news tab and apforums.net point to http://apforums.net/forum.php then?
It's really not that hard to change those two around, just a bit of time. It'd save 2-3 people's bitching at least <_<
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
If you're a One Piece fan, visiting a One Piece message board, wouldn't you want to know when the latest One Piece chapter is out?
Seems pretty useful to me.
Isn't that the point of the main Arlong Park webpage?
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
Unfortunately, those "News" are connected and important to the "Forum". Just bookmark it. The others who have complained about this one before are now satisfied with the bookmark-solution.
Actually the news isn't entirely important to the forum such as the news that the new chapter was out. I was thinking of this argument myself and it doesn't quite fly… there's also the news post about the new anime opening.
I'm amused because the amount of effort required to bitch about the news page even once, in the act of typing out letters and hitting the "reply" button, is equal or greater than the effort of just… clicking a tab or updating a bookmark.
So what if it takes more effort to complain about a feature than just to work around it? It doesn't make the feature any less redundant or bothersome as some may find it.
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
Gasp, you don't use bookmarks? You're totally missing out =X
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
I don't know if anyone else cares or anything but could we get the apforums.net url to lead directly to the forums?
Some people have pointed out that you can set your bookmarks to http://apforums.net/forum.php if you want it to directly point to the forums.
RE: Index page
the difference in name color also denotes what level of moderator/admin powers they are/have
RE: Index page
Viewing site leaders is also at the bottom of the forum main page.
RE: Spiral Knights
No classes, all dependent on your equipment and playstyle. Only two weapons, Swords and Guns but different swords and different guys will lend themselves to different play styles from what I've gathered.
Cuttyflam is my user name if you do decide to play.
Spiral Knights
Is anyone else playing this game? Looking for more people to party with.
It has a battle system similar to Zelda and you basically go around leveling your items and killing things with 3 other party members.
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
Iam a bit disappointed that the PM still just has 50 posts which it can store…hoped we would get a bit more space there.
Unless things have changed, I think Jonas is still hosting the forums for us which means resources can be limited hence the limit.
RE: Arlong Park gets a Fishman Island upgrade
the new version of vBulletin has a lot of new elements that the old skin simply could not be imported for, though it's possible to remake the old skins for the new forum version, I'd assume it would take some time.
RE: Announcing My Resignation
you don't need to.
that made me laugh. have fun e1n.
RE: Chapter 505 "Kuma" Discussion
still only 5 fingers, buha!?
though, that's his right hand.
might just be an error, though if it were an error, they wouldn't be able to spell death correctly =(
RE: Chapter 505 "Kuma" Discussion
anyone else find it odd that Law has 6 fingers on his left hand?
Page 7 of Binktopia's scanlation.
RE: Venture Brothers
ordered my Killinger shirt a few days ago. woot woot.
RE: Venture Brothers
I was under the impression I was unique, why do you hurt me so.
And I retract my statement about Dr. Girlfriend about her being pregnant.
She is in fact indeed a man and pregnant. I'm calling it.
RE: Changing user name.
Google really is your friend.
Anyway, check the control panel for both your questions. It starts there. More specifically for user names, check User Accounts (in new XP view), for the hibernation thing, try checking Performance and Maintenance (in new XP view) and power options from there.
RE: Venture Brothers
sweet link Taboo. great season opener, but I found S2's opener to still be the best. The whole song and scene cuts were done so perfectly.
As for Dr. Girlfriend's secret, she's pregnant. I'm calling it.
RE: Administrators vs Moderators
If I remember correctly, IPB at that time was switching from free software to a similar model as vBulletin. So I figured if we had to purchase software, might as well do it on something I had better knowledge of etc etc whatever whatever. We did infact ask for donations at that time, the only time we ever asked for donations if I recall.
The domain name came free when I tried putting the server at dreamhost(cause it's dirt cheap) but due to the amount of traffic, the forum was taking up too much cpu time on the virtual host so had to be moved to my dedicated server.
as for your question nanlit, the very first forum that oceanizer linked to, I have no idea who was the admin. However, starting with the IP address it was me.
Honestly, it should be roboblue answering these questions.
RE: Administrators vs Moderators
I disappeared for a period along with my server, which could explain that particular blackhole.
RE: Administrators vs Moderators
I seroiusly can't believe bad-beat went for that long just making stuff up. pretty impressive.
RE: New Forum Updates
Majek, the grandline skin that you see now was a revival or the old one, just for ol' times sake. but technically, the skin came before. But then again, technically, you could say the revival is another version, so it counts as another light skin. and…oh whatever >_>
RE: New Forum Updates
thinking back to the skins that were used, we went from Light (the old IPB forums), to Light (vB Grandline skin), then to dark CP9 forums, then to these halloween ones. I think it's definitely time for another light one. Bright as day, just blinding!
Though, given the tone of the manga atm, it'll probably be dark again.
RE: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
I have always wanted there to be another playable werewolf character. Because the werewolf enemies have always been some of my favorites, and it seems like it would be a lot of fun to play as one of them.
I was just thinking about the different forms offered in SotN and would love to see them build upon that(Never played the N64 version). Instead of just having them for unique situations, it'd be interesting to see them more used as types of weapons. And secrets! Oh they definitely need more secrets!
here's hoping for 311.5% maps >_>
RE: Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series?
Ah, EGX, lovely talking to you again.
WAEF, you're right. Here's a cookie.
If that so much as miffs your poor soul, the KF forums are always there, where even the most harmless
My poor soul? lol, do I sense a bit of pity? Probably not, but here's something interesting. I just love how these forums are run really, which is why I'm here and not at K-F. People like cap'n carter are just the cream that makes it all the sweeter and I mean that in the most sincere way. They're just like me! Offering useless commentary then tossing in a random comment that pertains to the topic. Anyway, next one!
but it always helps to realize other's don't.
Now…don't leave me hanging with EDIT 3.
If I did an EDIT 3 now, you guys wouldn't see it and be notified! So I won't. For the record, I've always used the EDIT whenever I edited my posts, wasn't something to poke at cap'n about. What I said for the edit was what I meant to poke cap'n about.
tonitonichopper, you're lame. OOOH. I kid, anyway, to answer your question. Simple, I look at all his strips, enjoy a good deal of them and I figured that would be one that would tickle some funny bones around here. Guess not, I was actually originally looking for the one where they make fun of mac gamers but couldn't find it. Ah well.
EDIT 3: (just for you WAEB), oddly enough, if anyone does find the one where they talk about people in jars and mac gamers, that'd be a nice one to read(this obviously pertains to the people who enjoy the strip).
RE: Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series?
that's great for you. I wish you best of luck with these forums. Word of warning, the idea of "owning" forums is foreign to some people so you may want to look into how you're going to relay that.
RE: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
what's great about the portable ones is seriously the fact it's portable. You can go on for HOURS just exploring, getting items, or you can go on for 10 minutes until the next save point. All depending on how your trip to whatever random place turns out. brilliance.
RE: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
this is awesome, but I'd like to see them take another stab at the 3d world of castlevania. the PS2 ones were fun while it lasted, expanding on that via the PS3 or 360 would be amazing.
RE: Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series?
lol, what did I do to you before I left cap'n? did I ban you for being you or something?
anyway, I think I read something along the lines of
"If you don't like it, ignore it"
on these forums before, but I guess that no longer applies.
oh and since when was double posting allowed? I'm pretty sure it isn't, but since you seem to know so much Cap'n, you're probably right in this situation. Editing is for losers and butthurt admins like myself. lol.EDIT2: oh and to make my post relevant to the topic. I'm a simple guy who laughs at simple things apparently. But there are enough of people like me to support Tim which is pretty darn amazing. Good for him.
RE: Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series?
I am doing great!
and how can you not like this strip?
RE: First the CPS3 now….the Naomi Arcade Board
bookmarked and saved! then spread around the rest of the internets.
RE: Team ICO's teases next project.
oooh nice to see this. Fantastic info, fantastic.
Too bad it is going to be for PS3. That system hs been doomed since the get-go
For something that's supposed to be doomed, it's sticking around quite well. woo woo lol.
RE: Ctrl+Alt+Del: The Animated Series?
I love this forum, so cynical that a thread about a webcomic gets bashed to hell.
never got the DVDs, but I've heard the same from a few other people. I find the hardcovers well worth it though.
RE: Worthwhile Places to Visit
The Getty Museum
Absolutely beautiful.And Italy, why has no one mentioned Italy <_<
Also, this isn't particularly artsy, but would be a good idea overall. China.
RE: Where to keep large files.
external HDD, faster and better for long term than DVDs
RE: My printer and college
the answer to the first question, try swapping ink cartridges. Also, if you haven't used the inks for awhile, the printheads could have dried out.
best of luck, contacting HP wouldn't be too bad an idea. Just hang up if the call takes more than 10-20 minutes.
RE: Uh… My laptop's running out of space...
look at what each process refers to and see which ones you need or don't need. If you don't know what it is, check where it's coming from, what file is using it. There are ways of turning off certain things permanently.
RE: Uh… My laptop's running out of space...
it really just depends on what's causing it. But really, back-ups never hurt anyway.
Something good to do is to press ctrl+shift+esc, then check out what processes are running.
RE: Uh… My laptop's running out of space...
you can get 320's these days for around 100 if not cheaper.
Western Digital or Seagate both are around those prices. And so is maxtor.
RE: Uh… My laptop's running out of space...
external HDDs aren't cheaper per gig, but it is a hell lot faster and more convenient.
RE: Out with the old, in with the new, but oldest is still around
if anyone still even cares about the CP9 banner with all the members of CP9 (sans-kumadori) I'll dig it up and post it if anyone wants it.
as to why he was removed, the raw image of where the members came from had half of his hair/head cut off, I wasn't going to redraw that.
RE: Uh… My laptop's running out of space...
get antispyware software, if you visit sites like Myspace or facebook, that'll gunk stuff up.
Upgrading to the new version of vB
Something I thought I'd recommend, don't know if you guys are already discussing in staff forum though. Has nifty new features, patches, error fixes and what not.
Should be something to consider if not already though.
EDIT: Version 3.6.8 is what I'm talking about.
RE: Out with the old, in with the new, but oldest is still around
No, not admin.
Anyway, it resembles KF for a single reason. I saw the KF site and liked the idea of clouds.
The ship and building were gotten from stills from the anime that I captured myself. Everything else was pretty much hand drawn.
Everything is original except for the idea basically.