say it after me guys!
say it after me guys!
if you could choose 10000$ or the rest of one piece chapters what you would choose?!
**you cant sell the chapters!
if you could choose 10000$ or the rest of one piece chapters what you would choose?!
**you cant sell the chapters!
and how i put a poll in my thread:P?
It's not sucking ,it's just not as good as it was in the start .
but if the fucking fillers didn't exist
nonone would notice this :P:P
Sorry about "…" ,if they bother's you i am gonna stop using them ... :D:D
ok serioously now :P
sorry about being offensive but i tired reading all this mesagges about how sucky naruto is.(i am also tired about how facts running so slowly)
but i am really sure that,this is happening because of filler's on anime
they are affecting naruto fans very badly .
Time to read 414 now:P:P
cya! and sorry again for the offence.
Episode 264 :P:P
the moment with Sogeking meeting luffy and reinder ,i was laughting like an idiot for 5 minutes :P:P
where is sniper island ?? ..It's … your heart's...
You can post a Quote from whereever you want movie's,book's,manga,anime e.t.g (one piece included)
Mine are in my signature.. :D:D:D:D
OK now i'm pissed off. How many bozos will show up and tell us what to do each and every time we complain about the crap Kishi throws our was? Why don't you just stick something up yours and STFU. If you don't like our comments DON'T READ THEM!!!!!!!11
Same goes to you ..If you dont like Naruto manga then DON'T READ IT…
In the end ,i can't understand why you keep reading something you don't like and keep posting every week about how sucky naruto's last chapter was ..
(you life must be very miserable dude...)
personally i stop liking bleach and i stoped reading it ,i didnt waste my time downloading it every week and posting around the internet about how sucky the manga is....
That's all...
I think that luffy is first in terms of power in the crew (so why he is the captain)
its about like this 1) Luffy (with or without gears )
2) sanji = zoro ( they are equal to strength but sanji's character is funny and pervet which make him look weaker)
5)Reinder(without his last form :P )
4-6 places can change anytime ,but the first three characters ranking (luffy,sanji,zoro) would be the same until the end of one piece manga.