u.. u are that sexy camera whore ??!!
…actually i can see some indonesian in ur face (hahah ga banget)
u.. u are that sexy camera whore ??!!
…actually i can see some indonesian in ur face (hahah ga banget)
hahaha lo nitip beliin komik sama temen lo ? kasian amat dya XD
gw kemaren summer balik, ntar summer mau balik lagi ah.. pengennya balik pas lebaran, tapi disini lebarannya kaga libur, dasar jepang >.<
well we dont need the food companies who usually dont use halal standards to use them, we have enough food companies who willingly supply halal foods
and about praying 5 times a day, 3 of them are not in office hours usually, from the other 2, 1 can be done during lunch break, and maybe the other 1 might use some work time, but becoz i know u "dont know much about the nuts and bolts of Islam" i might just tell u that one time praying might only take 10 minutes, and we can very much compensate for that time after our office hour
and the reason "so we can ogle u like other women" is just low
You don't want us drawing Muhammad, how about we insist, for example, that you give up the Muslim dietary laws? Think about it.
the difference is, when u draw Muhammad, it will disturb Muslims, but Muslims dont disturb anybody with their dietary laws do they ?
hahaha ngasalnya parah XD tapi bener juga, gw juga dah lama ga makan dodol, gara" lo jadi penasaran nih gw XD
menurut saya, masih lebih sedih flashback nami ah, nyokapnya ditembak depan matanya gitu ckckck sedih aja…
oya, gong xi fa chai !!!! sayang skali gw bukan anjing (hahaha jadi aneh) melaenkan kelinci... yg notabene kelewat kawaii bwat gw XD
thought i would update my list… (out of boredom)
one piece 1-40 tanko, 1-4 logs, 1-2 movie 5 anime comics
bleach 1-7 (planning to buy more)
xxxholic 1-7
tsubasa reservoir chronicle 1-12
soul eater 1-2 (planning to buy more)
shaman king 19-25 (will definitely buy all)
death note 1-3, 5 (somehow forgot to buy #4)
d gray man 1-7
ueto aya monogatari
indonesian: too lazy to list >.<
..and im gonna go to book off tomorrow for salad days and niji iro no tougarashi
yea including the male characters, that's what makes it hysterical actually XD
lool, hebat" bisa ngajakin orang baca one piece XD gw juga lagi melakukan persuasi sama temen gw nih.. dya udh mulai minjem" komik one piece gara" sering ke kamar gw yg isinya one piece mulu XD smoga makin banyak penggemar one piece laennya amiiin :happy:
best: great artwork, unique story, sexy main chara (yuuko~~), is connected with tsubasa chronicle
worst: watanuki, and sometimes the story is too complicated (for me at least =P)
Robin is only powerful against a normal sized foe. If she were against a giant, she can't get a hold of him with her hands. Otherwise, she's god-like in battle.
i think yama's size was not quite normal XD
the 5th was in robin's ending in one of the game >.<
arska… ur room is very neat and its full of one piece goodies, i like it :happy:
…wow... speechless
truly awesome !!!!! i love u and envy u at the same time for that >.<
esp love the part where ms doublefinger walks out of the explosion, zoro's fight (ended with his blood bursting, i love blood), chopper and the explosion, and crocodile's faces of evil XD
...now i urge u to make more
…well robin could have brought explosives with her to explode igaram's ship.. simple as that XD
yeah i think so too..
…or a silly answer is that she just grew eyes to the point that she could see that other side of the gate XD
when robin grew hands on the gate of alabasta palace, was she able to see the side of the gate where she grew her hands ??
aa sokka ?? then im not a lazy person i guess
to be lazy is when.. u decide to use the stairs becoz u're just too lazy to wait for the elevators
heee ?? punya tangan banyak cuman mau dipake cuci piring ?? XD
wheee robin flashback, akirnya… tapi iya juga sih, gw pengen cepet" liat zoro beraksi >.<
pepsi >> looks like lulu
person who doesnt think that pepsi looks like lulu
@tarechan: kalo arti tare yg bikin gw laper sih, tare sauce yg dipake di takoyaki n makanan" laennya, hehehe tapi arti tare ga cuman itu koq, banyak arti laennya
didnt mr 1 have a bounty ?? 51 million or something.. .___.
mm gw coba" nranslate deh, insya Allah bener..
”ともだち暦3年” = tanggalan "tomodachi", tahun 3.. (tomodachi = teman)
”なんてものを、おまえ達は。。。” = what thing are u guys…
”どうだい、気に入ったか?” = how is it, u like it ?
”運転席もついてる” = there's also the driver's seat
””血の大みそか”の仇討ちだ” = its the revenge of the "new year's eve of blood"
”おまえ乗るだろ” = u're gonna ride it, right ?
”いや。。 これに乗る資格があるのは。。。” = no, the one qualified to ride this is...
”あいつ以外いない” = him only...
yaa.. tolong dimaafkan kalo ada salah" translasi :laugh:
@tare (jadi laper deh kalo nulis tare): gw baca britanya kemaren kamis tuh, tapi banyak banget orang yg bilang kalo itu bukan azahari sebenernya, kalo gw sih percaya" aja itu azahari... trus yg aneh katanya sutiyoso mau bikin slametan ya ?? hehehe ada" aja alesan bwat bikin selametannya
hmmm karena itu dulu pas di indo gw ga beli yg namanya animonster… (padahal sih emang ga punya duit, hehehe), gw belinya cuman pas ada poster one piece saja, kayaknya cuman... 2 edisi ?? XD
naruto gw emang ga suka.. boseeen... lagian karakter" utamanya anak" bakari, dan ga ada yg sekeren zoro <3
kalo bleach, sampe skrg gw masih baca sih, n baru nyadar kalo karakternya banyak bishounennya XD tapi ceritanya sempet jadi keren banget sih imho, walopun belakangan jadi lumayan banyak romancenya (kore... shounen manga ka??)
wow 500 juta ?? ckckck… abis nikah trus miskin trus cerai XD
cewe jepang yg bajunya normal ?? wah langka banget tuh disini XD tapi yg bajunya aneh" juga banyak yg cantik koq
wah bener banget tuh… disini kan gw sekelas ma anak" dari negara" laen juga.. trus gw perhatiin kalo lagi lecture gt, kyknya yg asik sendiri nggambar tuh cuman gw doang (orang indonesia .red), yg laennya kalo ga dengerin pelajaran ya bengong aja XD emang orang indonesia itu mantab
buset nonton teletubbies seminggu ?? bisa mual" tuh penjahatnya XD
i would recommend…
1. I's.. for those who like love-themed manga.. great story, great artwork, and have some funny parts here and there :happy:
2. tsubasa reservoir chronicle... a must for clamp fans, becoz u can see many charas from lots and lots of clamp's mangas... story is good so far, and above all that, there is kurogane there XD
3. xxxholic... story is very, hmm, interesting ?? intriguing ?? its a bit spooky with some humor... sexy main character important with great artwork overall.. and its connected with tsubasa (see above), so if ure reading tsubasa, read xxxholic too, vice versa
Ah, and I think you might want to read Dan Brown's books but I should say that you shouldn't believe whatever he writes in his books.
sadly, believing what is written on his books is kinda inevitable XD
skrg teh yg lagi terkenal di bandung tu brownies kukusnya ya ?? gw kemaren sempet nyobain, menurut gw sih sama aja kayak brownies biasa, tapi ntah kenapa pas gw ke bandung wihh dimana" jualan tuh brownies kukus XD
wah bombnya teh bomb bunuh diri ?? ckckck, orang" nekat makin banyak aja… yg di indo hati" yaaa...
iya kemaren gw pas balik sempet merasakan tol baru, enak euy bentar gitu ke bandungnya… kalo dari dulu kayak gini mah gw ke bandung tiap weekend :laugh:
bandung emang terkenal karena one way nya XD tapi gw tetep cinta bandung, soalnya gw juga orang bandung :laugh: yg bagus lagi soal bandung tuh factory" outletnya, distro"nya, restoran"nya, sama pemusik"nya.. wah pokoknya bandung is the best lah :laugh:
…jadi pengen ke bandung...
memoir of a geisha is worth reading, imho… a story about a geisha (lit. artist, entertainer) in the era of pre and post war in japan
@ranier: wah kalo camu" mah, gw juga sering makan di situ :laugh: tapi camu" yg biasanya gw datengin yg di pangpol.. emang cakalang rica" tuh enak banget, tapi cakalang fufu wih, top dah..
kalo kata pak sby tadi malem: "ini adalah tindakan teroris".. guess he was just stating the obvious XD
i like jean grey becoz of her power… cyclops power is not really... useful
cakalang tu nama ikan yg enak banget XD banyakan sih dipake di masakan menado" gt… wih beneran dah jadi laper.. ni gara" changsho mulai ngebahas makanan
oya makasih atas selamat berpuasanya :laugh:
makanan indo yg paling gw suka tuh…. rendang, sate padang, cakalang fufu, cakalang rica", trus berhubung bulan puasa udh deket gw jadi kangen kolak biji salak, kolak pisang, bubur sumsum, bubur kacang ijo, es cendol, dll dll
duh sepertinya gw bakalan harus masak sendiri nih bwat buka n sahur >_>
btw udh pada denger berita bom bali malem ini ?? i really hate those bombers...
::indonesian translation::
one piece 1-31
naruto 1-17
get backers 1-16
death note 1-5
salad days 1-18
imadoki! 1-5
gals! 1-10
doraemon (lots)
meitantei conan 20-41
kenji 1-21
kungfu boy 1-19
dragon balls 1-42
one piece 25-38
death note 2-3 (hoho)
bleach 1 (….)
tsubasa reservoir chronicle 1-11
**the japanese ones are expensive... >_<
gw malah masih keinget banget masa" sma gw.. pengen balik lagi nih xP
@ranier: yep gw skolah di jepang.. blom masuk uni sih, masih prep school, blajar bahasa :happy:
oo anak kanisius… enak ga sih skolah isinya cowo smua ?? ga garing ya ?? hehehe...
gw sma di labschool kebayoran lulusan taun lalu :happy:
leokeren, welcome to the jungle !!! anak mana nih ??
hmmm… semua orang indo disini ga ada satupun yg tinggal di indo ?? :laugh:
gw sendiri tinggal di tokyo, jepang. nyampe sini april kemaren, tapi agustus kemaren sempet liburan sebulan lagi di indo. rencana ntar winter vacation juga mau balik, kalo harga tiket sesuai dengan kantong (damn tiketnya bakal mahal banget).
weks, pada ngomongin makanan ya. untung kemaren di indo gw sempet makan gm jadi ga ngiler" banget deh :laugh:
btw btw yg disini pada kuliah smua ya ?? smanya pada dimana ??