The point of her having such a high bounty is just becouse she is the last Ohara scientist and coz she can read porneglyphs. If she would have a bounty coz of her strenght it would not be anything near 80 mio, But she is strong. Her strenght is a fact, but she just can"t compare to the monster trio.
Latest posts made by Satanstorm
RE: Is Robin invisible or something?
RE: Why do people like Lucchi so much?
Lucci is cool, that"s why he is so popular.
He has a great design, a cool bad guy atitude and an evil smile:D
And I think that bad guys are really popular in animes. Just remember Vegita in dragon ball or Gaara and Itachi from Naruto, not to forget Aizen Sousuke from bleach:D
The fact is that bad guys mostly get a really fancy design and a really cool personality, that is the answer to their popularity. -
RE: Untitled
People you are so not close, the one true pairing is Sanji x Nami and come what may.
And allso some minor pairings like Luffy and Vivi or Zoro x Robin. Though i am a litle not sure of the Shanks and Makino coupling. -
RE: Oda's error on Moria feet…
Yea you"re right. The toe-nails are different colored and shaped, or Moria has a foot-stylist. But it"s no big deal, something like that can happen even if your name is Oda Eichiro, or maybe Oda wanted to make a joke and intentionaly made that, just like pandaman.
RE: The real Gear 4th
Ok lets finish this, this gear 4 is just like the gear 2 joust that the rubber masses come from somwhwer else than his feat and so your idea is stollen or a association on the original gear 2nd, and it realy does ressemble the rasengan, but joust that luffy is the training ball
haha -
RE: Are we supposed to think of Blackbeard as an evil pirate?
Yea if we compare him to Bellamy he has more pride but if you supose that Blackbeard has a dream and that he is convinced in the fact that the so called new pirate era is deep shit then you cann asume that he trully is a real pirate wich is equal to Luffy in his dediction to his dream but they are tottaly different characters coz they have unsimilair metods to achive their dreams.
Blacbeard is not truly evil he just has a oposite method of achieving his dream than Luffy. And what if Whitebeard is the one true main bad guy, ever thought of that? -
RE: Are we supposed to think of Blackbeard as an evil pirate?
I think you"re all getting it wrong with Blackbeard, he"s a pure hearted pirate and has his own dreams that are bad in the way we loock at it, his intentions are only bad if we loock at him with Ace"s eyes. But pirates are so that they want to acomplish their own dreams and Blackbeard"s dreams are just something unnfamiliar in the OP world. His character is pure and honest but his intentions and dreams are just slightly on the oposite of Whitebeard"s and Ace"s and that makes him evil to many people.
RE: Has Oda lost his touch?
We can"t say that Arabasta was the best arc, what about Enies lobby, non of the former arcs could compare to the catastrophie and the drama of Enies lobby, and allso Oda is getting better and better, the whole story is getting more and more interesting and compact so you can"t say that it is getting worn out.
RE: Dr Vegapunk
Nah I hope that they don"t do that, a Marine Dr. would be a dissgrace and allso Usopp would lose his job and that would be lame coz jis inventions are hillariouse :D
RE: If you could have any characters' clothes.
I totaly like Luffys new black pants I want his pants or his hat I love his hat.