I don't like hardly any of the naruto characters, especially the 'main' ones, any of the Rookie 9
LOL XD same here.. the brats dont intrest me much (maybe only Lee)
I find the teachers much cooler.
how old is Naruto now ? 15?
I don't like hardly any of the naruto characters, especially the 'main' ones, any of the Rookie 9
LOL XD same here.. the brats dont intrest me much (maybe only Lee)
I find the teachers much cooler.
how old is Naruto now ? 15?
this just killed me XDDDDDDD Robin has such a perv expression!
Pirates are SO way better.
o_O; um.. haha , quite disturbing.
Why is Naruto better than One Piece?
Hell no , its not better , no no noooooooo!!
I 'was' a Naruto fan <_<; well not really a fan..but I just liked Kakashi , Lee and Gai ONLY.
But I never liked the story =X
my fav ninja anime would be 'Ninja boy' or Kabamaru , its so damn old XD but still cute.
! I thought I'm the only one who noticed XD
he didn't say her name clearly..(or he didn't say it at all, its not clear)
I still wonder why.
I'm sure later on we will know more about Zoro new move.
comon guys, we are not reading a 'realistic' manga anyways.
You guys all look so great!
I just have to post these of my daughter! We got a new microwave yesterday and she liked the box. heehee
OMG XD she is soo adorable TTnTT
I never study art (o A 0) I cannot be a manga artist ?? ish so poor for Art Institute
sob sob (TT n TT,,)/
July is very soon. . . . .