Great news!!!!! HELL YEAH.
Latest posts made by Raccy
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
RE: Funi TV Discussion (Saturday Night/Sunday Morning 1:00 a.m., USA Toonami)
Its gonna be back on tv? Oh hell yeah. Thats wassup!
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Lmao. Wow.
The fact that you actually went back to tally all that…. Is exactly my point, Demon. You CARE TOO MUCH. Holy shit, like.... you actually went back to tally all that....wasted all that time.... OVER THIS! A throwaway discussion. WTF!?!?
Just.... whatever floats your boat, man. I should'a just left it at that. You clearly just care too much about stuff that shouldn't be cared about. Point blank.
I'm out.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
And reading your crap right now is annoying as hell as well, so we're even.
Nobody was "Bitching" or being jerks about it like you made us out to be. Everyone was having a perfectly civil discussion about the pronunciation of a word until you decided to become offended and take issue with us taking a little time to discuss an extremely minor, but somewhat fascinating issue for people who may not have known the proper pronunciation.
There was no ire, no bile, no ill intent. no bitching, no moaning, no whining, no bullshit.Then you came along.
You can keep that claim and take it with you to the grave, because I know what I saw. You're trying to undermine it, like every anime fan does. That shit won't work with me, ok? So stop trying. And carry on. If you were truly done with the subject, you would not have responded to me in this way, Demon. Check yourself.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Don't be naive in thinking that it helped or prevented a damn thing. Prick. Go be an asshole elsewhere.
Hmm. Resulted to flaming, am I right? Well, well, well…
And I'm glad you HAVE moved on, Demon. Believe me. Reading that crap everyday was annoying as all hell.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
Even so, to pick this as one of the FUNi dubs negative things is reallyyyyy grasping at straws. It's so ridiculous, it might as well not be said.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
We're seriously having a discussion on how they pronounce "Enies".
This forum.
RE: Fairy Tail Discussion III
Oh…... well, that sucks. =/
I thought because it actually got a full-length movie that the anime must've been doing well enough, but I guess not.... Such a shame.
Time to see how fast and anti-climatically they wrap everything up. This is gonna triple suck, watch.
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
To talk further about the whole Navy/Marine thing, there's even a scene where Lucci says…
"Where there was a bunch of Marines and Navy officers".
RE: Funimation DVD Discussion III (Please Check First Post for FAQ)
I rewatch the whole series pretty much everytime a new DVD comes in (once I'm finished with it) so I'm pretty sure myself, but be my guest…