About a week ago I put together an application quickly to sort my One Piece collection. Before I sorted it by hand which took a really long time, and since the wikia page keeps changing I decided to make this to keep my collection up to date with online sources. I posted this over at Yibis and they seemed to like it, so I figure I'd post it here as well for those that like keeping organized files\folders.
I'll do a quick run through of it's features.
Download Titles: This downloads the recent titles from the One Piece wikia page. It uses regular expressions, so if the wikia page changes it's formatting too much it might not load a list of recent episodes. If that's the case then I'll just update it. When the titles are downloaded they are listed in the first treeview box, they are also saved in a AppData directory so you don't need to keep downloading titles each time you open the application. In this box you can also rename the saga's\arcs\episodes in your collection if you prefer one title over another. The changes will be kept each time you load up the application, of course. To undo title changes you've made to the title, edit it by waiting and clicking a second time and blanking the field. It will reset to the default title that has been downloaded.
Update 3:
You can now move arcs from one saga to another by selecting either the top most arc or bottom most arc and right clicking on it.
You can also use the same feature to move episodes from one arc to another.
Generate Titles: Normally this is done automatically, but if you make any changes in your directory by hand then this comes in handy to update the changes that are showed. When changes are generated it lists which directories need to be created\renamed, and which files are missing\need to be moved\renamed in your collection. As long as the files are within the programs sub-directory it can find them. But when it lists them it pre-sorts them in to the appropriate saga\arc.
A little note on the naming conventions. The searching also uses regular expressions, so this is what it looks for in files\folders.
Folder: <number>- - title (only the leading number it looks for)
File: One Piece <number>(looks for those words in that order. Eg blah one blah piece blah blah 272 or One_Piece_284, etc. It just looks for words and numbers)
Playlist: One Piece - <title>Playlist.m3u8<br /><br />There is an option on the bottom to generate playlists. This will remove the current playlists with the name scheme above in the sub directories and rebuild them. They're unicode playlists, because some of the names of One Piece episodes are unicode and they use relative paths. It's cleaner, but I have noticed some players don't like playing a playlist that contains playlists. :<br /><br />I also added another feature per request to open the folders\files directly from the application by right clicking on the changes menu and selecting the option.<br /><br /><strong>Apply Selected Changes</strong>: This is self explanatory, select the changes you wish to make. Hit the button and it does it for you. However since the TreeNodes (especially move) use absolute paths to move files, I suggest making your directory changes before you make your file changes. Otherwise it won't find the files sometimes and list the action as a failed. Ah, yeah. The TreeView below that shows which actions have succeeded and failed.<br /><br /><strong>Added Data TXT</strong>: When I first wrote this I noticed that episodes 406-407 weren't included in the Wikia arc listing, and were just tacked on to the previous arc. So I added this file that makes automatic changes to the list by adding missing arcs if such things should arise. It also lists the numbers of double episodes, so if there is any more in the series you'll have to add the numbers to the file. All the instructions are in the txt, so it should be pretty easy to update it.<br /><br /><strong>AppData</strong>: This is just a link to the AppData folder, it's not really necessary but it was requested. So if you manage to figure out how all this works you can edit the files if you wish. Because the program uses the appdata folder to store it's saved files, the program is stand alone so it won't create any txt files in your anime directory. If that's much of a concern.<br /><br /><br />That's just about it. If you want more information there is a post over at yibis, but I think I've covered most of it here. (<a href="http://www.yibis.com/index.php/topic,3462.0.html" target="_blank">http://www.yibis.com/index.php/topic,3462.0.html</a>)<br /><br /><strong>Change Log</strong>:<br />- Program files are stored in app data so it's a single application<br />- Can open up directories \ files from the application (fixed)<br />- Can rename saga\arc\episode (autosave) in the downloaded titles menu<br />- Keeps a stored list of downloaded titles so you only need to click the button when you want to update (fixed issue with -1)<br />- Fixed error in numbers for double episodes, and missing numbers after label edit and cancel without changes.<br />- Sub menu added to download list with Rename, MoveUp, MoveDown options<br />- Can now move episodes from one arc to the next\previous arc. Eg. Romance Dawn (1-3), select the third episode and move to orange town arc. Inside the arc drop town only the top and bottom episodes can be moved so the episodes don't go out of order.<br />- Can also move arcs from one saga to another for unique ordering.<br /><br /><strong>Update 4 [v1.4.0]</strong>:<br />Download Link: <a href="http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/84915385/file.html" target="_blank">http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/84915385/file.html</a> (Source Included)<br />- Right clicking on Saga\Arc\Episodes also gives you the option to open up a url to the wikia page of that item.<br />- Double clicking on an episode in the changes tree will auto-open and play the video file, the menu option still exists and works the same way.<br />- Success\Failed Changes appears in pop up window now, and can be disabled using check box at the top.<br />- Can adjust the size of the downloaded data window now.<br />- AddedDataList.txt changed the double episode variables to use first part of double episode number, instead of second part as an identifier to get rid of confusion. Anyway, <strong>just delete the previous AddedDataList.txt in AppData folder and this will correct itself.</strong></title></number></number>