No idea
What are you talking about?? That was like the most fun trip I ever had!!
Ooh, I have another one.
We went to Murree on motorbike. Murree is like this beautiful hill station about a hour drive from Islamabad. Its like 2000 meter above sea level and in the winter it snows there. Anyway, a bunch of us went there, it was snowing and REALLY cold but still we decided to go on bikes just cuz. It was fun enough, we slipped, fell, threw snowballs, made snowmen… all the usual stuff. Then at night we decided to go back. Me and this other dude had this relative we wanted to visit so we told the others to go on ahead. Anyway, when returning, the road literally goes through this jungle where its rumored that there are leopards. We are going at our own pace, I am driving, and suddenly I feel like the back tire is flattened. I got off, checked it and well, it was okay. I got on again and lo and behold, it feels weird again. Turns out, the axle was broken.
Now we can't go back up, and there is no one around... And no, ordering a tow truck or something is not a possibility. We decided to walk to the next gas station, which we remembered was not that far away. Wary of leopards, we are walking and dragging the bike with us and this car goes by us. Stops a few yards ahead, reverses and out comes a young man and an older dude. They ask us what happened. We tell them the situation. So, they offer us a ride and a place to park our bike till the morning. We respectfully decline since... well they are strangers, why should we trust them?? They leave, and then return in about half and hour. Turns out, they stopped and checked at all the gas stations for the next several miles and NONE has a usable axle we could purchase!! So, they found this substitute rod, tied it to our bike with wires and kinda patch things up. The bike is in no condition to run but, I can like sit on it and go down the slope (and it is a slope all the way to Islamabad). My buddy joined them in the car and well, they helped us all the way back to Islamabad, got us home safely, took their bid and we never saw them again!! I think they were ghosts...
Kyo chan you got urself indebted to ghosts… they are gonna come & hunt you guys one by one... mark my words(im a renowned onion shaman)