I'm Mobster Goose~ long time reader and watcher.
I originally found this place 10+ years ago (only lurked) but randomly thought of this place the other day. I'm glad to see you're all still around!
Man, it's been eons since I've joined any kind of forum but I figured it's long over due, especially with what's going down in both the anime and the manga right now.
Been watching One Piece since the 4kids dub days many moons ago, then switched to fan subs when they started popping up, got tired of buffer city so swapped to other methods, but now I watch it weekly via good ol' Crunchyroll.
Aaaand I couldn't tell ya when I started reading it so we'll just say "long ago" since it's accurate, ahaha.
tl;dr SUP FAM. I look forward to chatting with eveeeryooone!