ED animation/song for those who are interested.
The animation is amazing.. for such a.. different ED animation.
ED animation/song for those who are interested.
The animation is amazing.. for such a.. different ED animation.
Haha yeah, I must have been lied to. I'm still excited for the OVAs. Come ooon baby
It's fine. I'm really excited myself. SHAFT/Shinbo or whoever is the art director on this has totally nailed down Kumeta's artstyle in this manga.
Also Kaizou's walk in the OP is very unSHAFT. I've never seen such smooth animation coming from them since.. God I don't know maybe a certain fight in Bakemonogatari? Well I guess there was a lot of really nicely done scenes in Madoka Magica too.
Either way I'm excited. I'm buying it because I'm a crazy person who buys Japanese releases.
This is an OVA, if I got my information right (I jumped to make a topic before confirming), and an anime adaptation is coming along later. I think? I don't know! I hope they include the ending in its full form.
Man oh man.
Kaizou! Hnnngh.
It's going to be 6 OVA episodes (I believe average anime length) with 2 OVA's per DVD/BD spanning across 3 DVD/BD's so far, each coming out in May, June and August. The first was originally supposed to be out this week but there was a production delay according to StarChild/King Record's official site. As for there being a TV series, it hasn't been announced. I assume if they sell over 3k per BD it'll get.. something? SHAFT shows seem to get sequels if they hit past the 3k mark.
This chapter was pretty good, seeing the other characters was pretty nice too and wrapping up the arc and ending on a cliffhanger is always nice.
I found the pun pretty funny to be honest.
"This isn't your kids four piece"
Is that some joke upon themselves or something?
At least, I think it's her.
How on earth do you mess up this bad and release it to the public?
All shonen stick to certain tropes. That isn't the thing that matters. What matters is what they do with them. I swear Kubo is trying badly to stick to every shonen convention regardless of how it is hurting his series.
I believe that Aizen is transforming a bit too much and I do agree that the Shounen tropes are being thrown in at any chance Kubo can get, but as for the constant transformations.. as someone in this thread said, Kubo probably realized how stupid Butterfly Aizen looked and changed it to a more.. Bleach-like-transformation.
I do hope there is, once again, a transformation. But not Aizen, Ichigo. I want to see Hollow Ichigo and "Hollow" Aizen maul each other to death for 10 chapters.