Ch.487 "That Song"
[That Person Right Now] SHOT 5 "Iceburg's Secretary Audition"
*8th LOG~10th LOG!! Send in your ideas!! "If Luffy's crew were….???" (ex: If Luffy's crew were obahans (middle-age woman)....-> [OBAHAN TIME])
<p.1>Brook: Brook: Yes, thank you, everyone!! How do you do!!?
[Rumba Pirates, Musician/Swordsman, Brook (50 years ago, 38 years old)]
Brook: It's morning, yohohohoho!!! I shall now begin the first tune of the morning!!
Brook: Ahhh, the power tune I am bringing to you this week is…
Rumba: Snore!!
Brook: ...the musical masterpiece, "Black Hankerchief of Happiness". Everyone, please, join me if you like!!
Brook: "White~! Han~kerchief~! Do not look for it~~~~run away! From him~! White~ Han~kerchief! Do not grab on to it!! There! Ink from! The octopus~!"
Rumba: Please, not with that volume from the morning!!
Rumba: We'll wake up, we'll wake up, Brook!!
Rumba: I'm awake, I'm awake!!
<p.2>Brook: "And the squids are here too~!"
Rumba: Please, sing a ballad instead.
Rumba: Good morning, I'm awake!!
Yorki: Hey, Brook!! I want to request a tune, "That Song".
Brook: Okay!! Captain's favourite song.
Laboon: Puo! Puo, puo, puo!
Laboon: Puo, puo, puo!
Yorki: Hm?
Laboon: Puo, puo, puo, puo!!
Yorki: A whale!
Yorki: You're yesterday' you're still here. Hurry and go look for your pod!!
Laboon: Puoooon!
Laboon: Puoooon!!
Rumba: He's so cute!
<p.3>Rumba: Hey, how long are you planning to follow us!? Your mother's worried about you!!
Laboon: Puo, puo, puo!!
Rumba: Here, eat some food Laboon.
Rumba: Hey, hey, when did you give him a name?
Rumba: We're under enemy attack!!!
Rumba: Uwah!! Bha!! Help me!!
Rumba: Captain!! An injured person just went down into the sea!!
Yorki: Toss him a swim ring!! Rescuing is after, we don't have enough battle personnel!!
Brook: ha....and I can't can't be helped.
Laboon: Puo!!
Rumba: ha...whoa!! You've saved me, Laboon!! Hey, I'm all right!!
Brook: Laboon!!
Rumba: All right, everyone sing, "That Song"!!
Rumba: Yeah!!
Laboon: Puo.
<p.4>Rumba: Are you cold?
Laboon: Puo.
Rumba: Treasure! We've found it, Laboon!!
Rumba: Let's have a party today!!!
Laboon: Puo!!
Rumba: A sea monster appeared!!! Protect Laboon!!!
Monster: Grrrrrrrr...!!!
Monster: Grrrrrrrr...!!!
Laboon: Puo!! Puo!!!
Yorki: He come to like you the best, huh, Brook?
Brook: Yohohoho, it's because Laboon like music.
Yorki: Nooo, it's because he doesn't think you're a stranger because of the shape of your head!!
Rumba: Gahahahaha!!
Brook: Is that true? Yohohoho.
Laboon: Puo!!
<p.5>Yorki: I wonder if you can do it somehow....
Yorki: We've tried telling him, but......!!
Yorki: It doesn't look like he will listen to us.
Yorki: You understand, right!?
Yorki: We don't think we can protect him with our strength anymore.
Yorki: He's just a child.
Brook: .........
Yorki: We simply just cannot.....bring him with us to the "Grand Line".
Brook: I want to talk with you for a little....
Laboon: Puo, puo! Puo!!
Brook: Ahh, yes, we'll sing a little later.
Brook: We are certainly your friends, but, you're a whale and.....
Laboon: Puo!!!
Laboon: Puo!!! Puo!!!
Brook: The "Grand Line" are dangerous seas!! Really!!
Brook: If you were an adult it would be a different story, but the ferocious creatures found in "West Blue" cannot even begin to compare to the ones out there.
Laboon: Puoooo!!!
<p.6>Brook: Laboon, listen to what I have to s....
Laboon: Puoooooooo!!! Puooo!!!
Brook: It's no good. He simply just won't listen.
Yorki: So it was no good, huh.....well, for the present, why don't we sing!? "That Song".
Brook: Isn't that counterproductive?......
Laboon: ?
Laboon: ?
Laboon: Puo!
Laboon: Puo!!
Laboon: ?
Laboon: ?
Laboon: Puoooo!!
Laboon: ?
Laboon: Puo?
Laboon: Puo!
Yorki: .......
Yorki: Don't do it....I know it's painful, but don't even set your eyes on him.....until Laboon goes away from this ship...
Laboon: Puo.
Laboon: Puo?
Yorki: ...musical instruments and songs...are banned.
Brook: .........
Laboon: ........
Laboon: Puo....
Laboon: ?
Laboon: Puo...!!
Laboon: Puo!!
Laboon: sniffle...
<p.7>Rumba: What crazy storm...!!! It feels like as if I will be thrown off!!
Rumba: Look at that!!
Rumba: It's the "Light of Guidance" that points out the entrance to the "Grand Line"!!
Yorki: Do you see a trace of Laboon!?
Rumba: No!! We haven't seen him at all for the last week!!
Yorki: We did an awful thing, was for his best!! If he has any luck, he would be able to go back to his pod.
Yorki: All right, you guys, have you prepared your heart yet!!?
Rumba: Yeahhhhhhhhh!! We're ready anytime!!
Yorki: We're going! To the world's greatest sea!!!
Rumba: Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!
["Grand Line" Entrance, Twin Capes…]
Crocus: I'm Crocus, the lighthouse keeper.
Crocus: You've nicely crossed Reverse Mountain….welcome to the pirate's graveyard.
Rumba: Hey, hey, don't say such an ill omened thing! You bastard.
<p.8>Yorki: I'm a little known in the west seas. If you've heard of "Yorki the Calico", that would be me.
Yorki: I'm sorry to ask you of this, Crocus-san...our ship has suffered quite a bit of damage and....
Crocus: You can anchor here as long as you like, but.....during your stay, you're going to have to look after my food and drink.
Yorki: Nhahahaha, I give up!! You're going to extort from pirates, huh!? Okay, that's fine.
Yorki: Celebrate with us!! Today, we're having a celebration party!!!
Crocus: By the way, is that whale you brought with you your pet?
Rumba: Eh?
Rumba: Gah!!!
Laboon: Puoooooo!!!
Rumba: Labooooooon!!!
Laboon: Puo!
Laboon: Puo!!
Laboon: Puo!
<p.9>Yorki: Hey Brook!! Let's sing "That Song"!!
Rumba: Captain, you really like that song.
Yorki: That's right!! This, for sure, is a pirate song!!
Yorki: Laboon! You like it too, right?
Laboon: Puo!
Brook: Crocus-san, do you have any request?
Crocus: So you can play anything, Brook!?
Brook: Yohohoho!! Pirates sing all the time.
[Three months later…]
Crocus: It's regrettable to part with you guys.
Yorki: Even though things may appear this way, we've prolonged as long as we can….well then, Crocus, we'll leave the rest to you!!
Brook: You've understood us well!! Thank you, Laboon!!
Laboon: Puo!!
Brook: In just 2 or 3 years!! We're going to sail straight through this sea!!
Brook: A voyage that just goes straight!!...and then, miraculously, our ship will arrive on the other side of this "Red Line".
<p.10>Brook: And then, once more, we willl go over this wall and return to this cape.
Brook: We want you to wait for that!! By that time, your body should have grown larger and stronger.
Yorki: Laboon!! Then, wherever we go....
Yorki: ...let's adventure together!! We're friends afterall!!!
Laboon: Puoooooooo!!!
Rumba: Laboon!! We'll certainly!!!
Rumba: Go around the world and return here!!! Wait for us!!
Laboon: Puoooo!!
<p.11>[….Three years later]
["Florian Triangle"]
<p.12>Rumba: Hey Brook!!
Rumba: Your quick cut is awesome!!
Rumba: Please, teach me how to use the sword.
Brook: …......
Brook: .........
Rumba: A tornado!!?
Rumba: It was just super sunny!!!
Rumba: At any rate, run!! Common sense doesn't apply to this sea!!!
Rumba: Yahoooo!!!
<p.13>Rumba: Ahahahaha.
Brook: ..........
Rumba: Good grief, this sea...
Rumba: Impossible to predict....My body can't take it much longer.
Yorki: Yeah, but, the sake at the end of the day is delicious!!
Yorki: Right!? Isn't that right, Brook!? Sing us another song today!!!
Yorki: "That Song"!!
Brook: I knew it would come!! Well then, here it goes.
Yorki: Ohhhh, go, go!!
Rumba: Uhahahaha.
<p.14>Brook: Gaaaaah!!!
Brook: ........!!
Brook: .....a mirror....that's right. I'm a skeleton. Owwwwwww.......
Rumba: Owwwwwww!!!
Rumba: Captain, this hurts!!
Yorki: Shut up!! Fighting over such stupid things!!
Rumba: But Captain, I was about to die from this guy's stray bullet during battle!!!
Yorki: But you're still alive. And he's already apologized. Don't persist in what's already been done!! Shameful.
Rumba: Owwww!!!
Yorki: To feel pain is proof that you're still alive.
Yorki: Gahahaha, ain't nothing wrong with that.
Brook: .........
Brook: Stars.
<p.15>Brook: A clear night sky...I wonder if Laboon is watching this sky too...what do you think, captain?
Yorki: Hey, everyone, come here! Brook is soaked with sentimental feelings!!!
Brook: Wait, wait!! Stop it!!! It's embarassing!!!
Rumba: It's the marine headquarters!! What should we do!!?
Yorki: Don't be frightened!!! Get 'em!!!
Rumba: Wow!! Look!! Captain's prize money went up again!!!
Yorki: Nhahahaha, how's that!!
Brook: Lets party!!!
Rumba: Yorki! Yorki! Let your evil name roar all the way to the Twin Capes!!
Yorki: Brook!! We're going to sing "That Song"!!!
Brook: "Nnnnnn~! Nn~n, nn~n....."
Brook: "Nnnnnnnnn~!"
<p.16>Rumba: Oh no!!
Rumba: Hey!! The captain's!!!
Rumba: Something is wrong with Captain Yorki!!
Rumba: Eh?
Rumba: The plague.....!!?
Rumba: Yeah...don't go into his room...there's tens of others who were infected too....!!
Rumba: We could have gotten it from that jungle we've landed on before...!!
Rumba: It's a not yet known virus. We don't have anything to strike it with......!!!
Rumba: What terrible times....!!!
Rumba: It would involve this ship's life if we treat this wrong.
Rumba: Captain!!
Rumba: Captain Yorki!!!
Yorki: Nhahahaha......don't speak with such miserable voices!! You guys!!
Yorki: cough, cough
Yorki: You'll make the name of the Rumba Pirates, the ones who can make even a crying child laugh, go down!!!
<p.17>Yorki: I'll take this ship that's rickety all over and the pathogen with me. You guys.....move ahead with the new ship!!
Yorki: I'm.....going to step aside for now and leave the "Grand Line" for later....!!
Rumba: Captain.
Yorki: .....I never thought that I would pursue the road to dropping out.....
Yorki: We'll, sink or swim,...attempt to escape through the "Calm Belt"....well, I'm sure it'll all work out!!
Yorki: Sorry......guys!! Send my regards to Laboon.
Yorki: Nhahaha!! Don't have such gloomy faces! Sharpen up!!!
Rumba: Yes, sir!!
Yorki: .....Brook.
Brook: Yes....!?
Yorki: sob
Brook: .............!!
Yorki: I'm crushed....!!!
<p.18>Brook: Captain Yorki......!!!
Brook: ...!! I...will never forget those words.......!!!
Yorki: .....!!
Brook: Captain!! It's carved chest!!
Brook: Take care....of your life!!! .....Captain!!
Brook: Although our ships will part ways, we'll!! And we will meet together once again....right, captain!!?
Yorki: .....hey, Brook, see me off......
Yorki: .....with that song I like.....
Brook: "Nn~, Nn~!"
Brook: "Going off to deliver~!"
Brook: "Bink's~ sake!"</p.18></p.17></p.16></p.15></p.14></p.13></p.12></p.11></p.10></p.9></p.8></p.7></p.6></p.5></p.4></p.3></p.2></p.1>