Next episode will be 004 rehauled, then 280 with Straw Hat Theater Report Time
Arabasta movie is also in preparation and should be out around 298 (can't remember the exact number, but it's the date the movie came out)
Latest posts made by Hedi
K-F One Piece 279 + Straw Hat Theater Chopperman
RE: One Piece 426 by UTSF… :)
It's getting a little stupid that every UTSF episode is annoucend twice in this forum…
RE: One Piece 416 by UTSF! (>o.o)>
That tool is for QuickTime compatibility, not ps3, which depends on the encoding.
RE: One Piece 416 by Instantz
Encoding quality improved a lot since last ep, and translation is good too (too bad the map wasn't translated though), anyway nice job Instantz.
RE: One Piece 415 by Funi
You're right, distributing anything with Funi's name on it would only cause trouble, so far it's just a solution for personal archiving, at least until Funi gets the simulcast to a decent video quality.
RE: One Piece 415 by Funi
I'm not saying anything is wrong with fansubs (I was in one for a long time), but what I like in archive is consistency in style and translating, and no fansub, no matter how good they are, stick around for very long (except KF but they'll only catch up when Oda quits).
Funi can probably do this for a long time if they're making ad money, so I'd be happy to stock up on their work.
I don't have any preference in quality, like you said both are good enough, I'm more interested in consistency. -
RE: One Piece 415 by Funi
Then I download a nice HD version when it comes out from fansubbers. Ideally, somone who just copied the Funi tranlation and pasted it into an HD raw.
That becomes my archive copy.
If someone can handle getting the script, I can do the encoding part, and help seed it, that way we can have a good version for archiving.
RE: One Piece 415 by Funi
I actually did a transcription of the simulcast's subtitles to an .ass file for my own personal use (to get professional subs in HD and whatnot). I was going to release it originally, but a friend of mine convinced me not to do it because it could cause problems to FUNimation. After seeing the existence of this rip, though, I'm starting to doubt if it'd cause FUNimation any problems…
I'd be happy to see the translation quality of Funi compared to fansubbers, I just don't want to watch a crappy raw with it, so a softsub would be great, and I don't want to rip it myself as it would spoil the episode :)
Perhaps it would be interested to encode it with an HD raw and release it on the net, so people not living in america and not being subjected to any brainwashed fake consumer morality, can also enjoy a good translation (if it's really good, I'll have to send it to a translator to have his opinion).
So if you don't wanna release it, but don't care, send me the softsub :P
RE: One Piece 413 by Instantz
haha they still release
They were releasing long before you did so maybe you should have some respect and stop talking like you're some kind a fansub reference.
RE: One Peace 411 by UTSF! >:D
If you wanna produce crap, at least don't release it as normal episode (or do that on your site), not everyone knows the OP schedule by heart, and not everyone is interested in that kinda stuff.