Just saw the whole Trump v. Pope debacle on the news.
What the Pope said about Trump: "A man who would rather build walls between people, and not bridges, is not a good Christain."
The Donald's actual response: How DARE he question my faith! Ya'know, when the Vatican is under attack by ISIS, because it totally will, he's gonna wish-No, he's gonna PRAY that he had ME in his corner!!
Me: Bitch pls
If you're interested in Donald Trump's actual response I just watched his entire press conference and decided to type out his actual response:
! So I guess this is a little bit for the press, so I just wrote this out very quickly about the pope, do you want to hear it? Should I read it for you? Ok. He actually said that maybe I'm not a very good Christian or something it's unbelievable. It's really not a nice thing to say. This is a response from Donald Trump it says: if and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, you know ISIS their primary trophy very few people know this I read this about two months ago, nobody even believed it, their primary thing you've seen what they've done all over the middle east, their primary goal is to get to the Vatican. That would be their ultimate trophy. They want to do what they did to all these magnificent artifacts, all of the beautiful museums that they've totally destroyed all over the middle east, right? They're-and I didn't know this, I read this like four or five months ago-I made mention of it two months ago everyone said what are you talking about? They thought like I'm kidding. It's true. And now there are stories about it. Not big stories. But there is stories about it. And I was checked by one of the reporters that said, "They don't want to talk about the-" and he called up and apologized. Big thing there, they want to get to the Vatican. So if and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS which is as everyone knows ISIS' ultimate trophy I can promise you the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president. Because (looks up acknowledges crowd saying it's true twice) Because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk no action politicians. That's what's happening now. -Donald Trump
Trump says something different than what you were claiming. He says (the short non-Trumpy version) "So if and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS which is as everyone knows ISIS' ultimate trophy I can promise you the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president."
So what Donald then goes on to say is that the Mexican government made a shameful albeit smart move by using the pope to make him look bad. He claims that the pope was fed only one side of the story. He believes that for the pope to question his faith is disgraceful. For anyone for that matter.
"They're using the pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves-that's the Mexican government. They should be ashamed of themselves for doing so especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant and so dangerous and so bad for the United States. Period, that's it. Period" -Donald Trump
Trump's later arguments are based on the fact that he's going to do things better for cheaper for the United States. One thing he claims is that he's going to talk to the military to give them the equipment that they want. Not the equipment that lobbyists offer.
He talks about the World Trade Center being a 4 billion dollar project when his 92 story Trump tower costed a fraction of the price, about 300 million. Claiming the differences if he had renovated the World Trade Center are simple that he would have marble floors instead of tezzaro. That he would be able to renovate without having to relocate the offices. His estimate for the project was $500 million.
Trump seems like he's not at all interested in playing with lobbyists. His claim is an interest in making America great. He wants business deals that benefit the US, claiming our relations with Japan and China are one sided. Questioning what we get out of the deal while Japan hands over tons of cars? If Japan gets into a conflict we have to support them but this isn't true the other way around.