I see a lot of people are confused with the new chapters. I recently re-read the whole series and was quite surprised with how much Hoshino was able to foreshadow.
Its also interesting to note how different the tone of the story has progressed over the years of serialization. Ill be breaking down the plot going over some key parts.
The first arcs are very basic but they do provide an incite into this very dangerous world where exorcrists are at a huge disadvantage.
Manas return as an akuma by Allen is made clear from the start.
Kandas tattoo is also shown very early as well as his regeneration ability (more on that later) but he remains a very mysterious character throughout the series.
skipping over lenalee and miranda we are then introduced to some characters who are killed off screen rather quick.
General Yeagar dies off screen (hinted at being Tyki). This was a strange decision the anime kind of worked around by making allen know the general before he died.
The next character is Daisya Barry who was a very interesting character that again the anime even dedicated a whole episode on his flash back just to kill him off the
next episode. Fun fact he was also ranked 5th in one of the first popularity poles.
Lavi and Bookman play key parts as recorders. Bookman is a key character who was stated 35 years ago to be working with the Noah and then shifted sides to the exorcists
to document the other side of this war. Its a shame that recent chapters have excluded Lavi so much to the recent chapter where one of the Noah was drawing him
(troll move Hoshino)
Next up is one of my favorite arcs "the fallen one" this ark really sets the stage of D. Gray Man, its heart breaking and just a tragedy. Suman Dark (another character fleshed out way
more in the anime) is turned into a fallen one for turning on the black order/ his innocence/ god. This is also significantly important plot point as it shows what happens when an exorcist
that rebels against god. Allen is also shown to do everything in his power to help Suman who he dosn't even know. This is only made worse by the fact Allen rescued him only to see him
brain dead and then killed by Tyki Mikk who states he had planted Tease inside him (meaning he was practically a living time bomb). Allen is the killed by Tyki, but saved by his innocence
Skipping over Lenalees big fight with the level 3 akuma (very drawn out) and allen spending his time getting his power back to get crown clown.
I actually thought this new power up was awesome and then replaced by a dull sword (yeah its cool and all but meh, I liked the claw better)
that at first seemed to be implemented due to its ease to draw. But it is actually a plot device that links Allen to the earl.
After a long time spent in the ark, Kanda kills Skin boric in an awesome fight scene (probably one of the best in the series). Too much time is spend on the bonded jasdevi and
we actually see Krowry do somthing great by going bloody (this seems to be a plot point that is never refereed to again) Lavi beats road (who dosnt die, but did die lol)
Allen beats Tyki who is absorbed by his noah memory and beaten by Cross Marian who finally makes an appearance.
After the Ark story it is revealed only Skin boric was killed and all the other noah are in fact alive. (this was a huge letdown as a lot of this ark had a lot of build up to the fights).
The order is attacked by Lulu bell who has yet to turn up again (apart from a beast appearance, yeah she is seen as a leopard in later volumes or a panther).
The level 4 akuma is revealed and I have to say its super creepy and one of the best intros to a new akuma.
Allen is the revealed to be the Pianist and links to the 14th noah arise, and as we learn Allen has the memory of the 14th noah inside him. Cross Marian is revealed to be
friend wih the 14th and has been conspiring outside the Orders Jurisdiction. He has always watched over Allen and took him in to train him.
Cross was then Killed by Apocryphos who is said to be a single entity innocence used by Central agency.
After cross's death the story takes a shift in tone, focusing on third exorcrists (half exorcrist/half akuma) and Alma Karma who is revealed to be a second exorcist as well as
Kanda who are the orders most dangeous exorcrists. Alma is reveled to be the woman that kanda once loved and Allen saves the two of them giving kanda freedom,
only to be imprisoned by the order.
Allen is held captive and nearly consumed by apocryphos in which Tyki and road save him hin which road is nearly killed. Allen on the run is seen as a threat from the order.
Johning Gill of the science department quits the order and trys to find Allen with the help of Kanda, and Howard Link. This is a very breif summery of events,
I would actually recomend a re read of this series as its great picking up all the plots.
Now on to the biggest plot line
how does this make sence?
Nea is the 14th, first introduced involume 6 when allen has a dream (after being killed by tyki)
Manas face is half shown in volume 8 in human form (looking a lot like the earl)
Nea and Mana are brother but not really. They are actually 2 halfs of the Earl.
Now it really does get confusing as three characters are one but it does make sense, there is no plot hole
The earl even states that he is confused why he did not kill Allen on that night and it is a hazy memory.
The earl lost his memory and face (according to the latest chapter) 35 years ago when Nea died.
Allen is found as the host by Mana to Nea. Mana dies and Allen uses the Earls power to bring him back
The Earl consumes Mana not knowing they are actually one. Thus the earl is now Millennium earl and Mana (but they are in fact the same person who was split)
Nea was the other and his plan seems to be kill teh earl and retake his place.
Allen is hinted early on as the destroyer of time by bookman, Nea was considered something similar.
Anyway that is just my 2 cents. Really liked re reading this series again and hope many of you guys do take the time to read it again. =D