Just bump old thread, because it's awesome
Latest posts made by Dark Ren
RE: Theory : Kaido has a Dragon Devil Fruit
K-F One Piece 306
We have the first release of the new year!
I can't say too much important happens… you know how anime can be sometimes.
At least there's some chibi goodness. Enjoy!
One Piece 306 is now released!
K-F One Piece 305
Oh, so close to a knockout! Luffy at least gets points for style.
The fight is heating up, but Episode 305 is going to head straight into a flashback, because everyone needs to be reminded that the pigeon guy is really not very nice. Maybe he still resents getting picked last for dodge ball.
Luffy vs Rob Lucci continues!
One Piece 305 is now released!
K-F One Piece 304
In our continuing coverage of Enies Lobby arc, it's now time for the final fight to begin. Be not deceived! It may be between inanimate objects, but it's the biggest one of all.
I speak of course of the fight of the Marine battleships versus … the whole freaking island of Enies Lobby.
In case you lost track because of the last filler episode, the Buster Call is starting and there's nowhere to hide. It's a lousy time to be lying unconscious, CP9...
One Piece 304 is now relased!
Also, we have fixed a mistake with episode 301, and it is now available as well.
K-F One Piece 303
Hey! Wow, it's been a long time. Let me see if I still know how to do this…
Yes, that's it, yay!So, in case you're wondering what I'm doing here, it's actually a happy day!
For those of you who have come to watch the ongoing, dramatic saga of the rescue of Robin and the battle against CP9... it's not that.
What we have for you today is a One Piece spring special to help chase the winter blues away.
One Piece 303 is now released!
Warning: may not actually chase the winter blues away if the winter blues are filler-related.And because we do care, we have released an updated version of 302 with a typo fixed.
RE: Confusion on Groups & Quality
Go to Yibis homepage. They released a batch torrent for 1-516, all Vegapunk eps included
RE: One Piece Blue Deep, new One Piece book (March 2012)
Bump the thread. is there any one file complete download for this book?
K-F One Piece 302
Robin is finally free, but the problems don't end there!
There's still the matter of how to escape, how to avoid the Buster Call, and how to deal with Lucci.
The action continues!
One Piece Episode 302 is now released!
K-F One Piece 301
Luffy is desperately holding off Lucci while everyone else scrambles to get the keys to Robin.
But is it too late? Can anyone stop Spandam before he drags Robin beyond the point of no return?
One Piece Episode 301 is now released!
RE: Confusion on Groups & Quality
It is just some edit of 10 seconds or something. Not a big deal. Those who complain just take this matter way too seriously. If they don`t like it then go find somewhere else. I believe those who complain still archive K-F episode in their DVD / HDD. Thanks to K-F I can watch One Piece for a great quality.
And I agree with what dreamer said, K-F, Vegapunk and Yibis are the best fansubs out there. I can`t say a thing about the gap between Vegapunk and Yibis. I like flashy subtitle, so maybe my taste is not the same with yours. And since K-F and Vegapunk overlapping each other, you can pick either K-F or Vegapunk. It is all yours