Nice theory Pharier.
I'm really itching to see the awesomeness of timeskip Straw-hats displaying their upgraded skills for so long.. and this keeps dragging from the history of Fishmen Island and all….zzzzzzzz
Back on this chapter:
Initially when Hody was slashed by Zoro in a single slash, I was like oh crap this is too weak for a main villian! Not surprisingly, he was upgraded by a few pills and now he has transformed/evolved.
I think, the differences between Rumble Ball and that steroids is that, RB deals with Devil Fruit powers, where as steroids generally make anyone, be it DF users or not, stronger.
so perhaps overdose adn side effect of the drug for fishes, or fishmen in this case, made them stronger. fuses the element (water) of hodi and gives him the ability to produce water. I would really like to see Jinbe own Hody's water based powers, since Jinbe's true mastery of Fishmen Karate allows that.
On the capture of Jinbe, I guess he did it on purpose, as this is a plan devised by him and straw-hats.
I also do not think Luffy will be saving zoro et al, as Brooke is gonna manage to set them free. Instead, Sanji could be planning something....
Also, VDD's throwing of Noah proves my hunch of him destroying FI, and not Luffy. As Mdm Shirley's prediction only saw someone with a STRAW HAT, that doesnt mean Luffy. AND because of her taunt to Hody, Hody will wanna rip off Luffy, FORCING Luffy to settle him. True that Luffy has no reason to fight Hody, but if Luffy regards the Shira-zzzz princess as a friend (cus he killed her mom), and Hody hunting Luffy down, or maybe do things to Luffy's crewmates to make luffy fight him, I think he might fight Hody.
It will be major LOL if Noah came to the princess but instead it smashes on all the 10, 000 outlaws. LOLLLLLLLLLLL