But just imagine…The whole Franky Family...Aww...What a waste of manga space...I dont even memorize the names...Who was the fat guy?
Just like a real pirate crew...
I was maybe thinking of a...Mugiwara kaizoku FLEET.
But just imagine…The whole Franky Family...Aww...What a waste of manga space...I dont even memorize the names...Who was the fat guy?
Just like a real pirate crew...
I was maybe thinking of a...Mugiwara kaizoku FLEET.
Was it stated before…Coz I've been gone for so long...
Anyways...As I recall....When Luffy was talking to Zoro at their first meeting...This dialouge happened. Please read.
(not actual words...anyways....)
Zoro:So...How many crew members have you got?
Luffy:You're the first...
But I'll have many more...Maybe hundreds...(or was it tens)
Any ways...He did mention some kind of quantity.
I dunno what's in the middle
Zoro:So...Where's our magestic boat
Then they look at the pier and see some kind of rowboat...
Then Luffy boasts that they will have a really big ship and stuff...
Here's the deal...When we talked about the next crew member...We were only talking about a single character...Ex:Franky, Paulie.
But what if...
The whole Franky Family joined the crew?
That would be the quantity that Luffy was talking about.
And a new ship...
But having a large crew would take more of manga space now...Would it?
Just goes to show…Nintendo is still loved even if it declared itself out of the conssole battle.
THe next generation. Though overused, that phrase still makes the heart of every gamer beat just a little bit faster, as we eagerly await the day when we can cradle the new console in our arms and experience ourselves the much hyped next level of gaming
For the gaming industry buffs among you, we are entering the seventh generation of consoles. This is also being refered to as the HD era. That's what the guys at microsoft is officially calling it. Sony is, of course also big on high-definiton out put with the PS3, which will reportedly one-up the Xbox 360 by suppporting the higher level 1080p HD resolution. Meanwhile Nintendo is making the Wii it's mantra for this new era. While the Wii was initially used for the Nintendo DS handheld, it encompasses into the philosophy of getting non-gamers to gaming. Instead of supporting HD, Nintendo will focus on innovation and new gaming experience for families through different types of games and unconventioal gaming input devices such as the Wii's revolutionalry controller.
Whether it's Microsoft Xbox360, Sony PS2, or Nintendo's Wii that turns you on the most, it's safe to say that many of us are nervous as teens looking forward to our first date with someone we really like alot.
So, which next generation console should win our hearts? Nuff said…
Let me get on.
XBOX 360
Say what you will about Microsoft, but Microsoft sure put one hot piece together with the XBOX 360. Of course, it looks even sexier when you compare it with that big black brick that required it's own Zip Code.The XBOX. For now I can say that Microsoft now could deliver us good games, as well as good consolses in the new XBOX 360.
In fact if you judge the book by it's cover, the XBOX is the sexiest among the three. And Microsoft claims that it will bring the best looking games and bring the gamers into the new HD era screaming.
The XBOX 360 inspires technolust with it's intregation with Windows XP Media Center PCs and other digital devices, as part of that convergence hallaballoo weve been hearing about for years, XBOX 360's best weapon is it's arsenal, however, it has to be incomparable to what the XBOX LIVE can do with online experience. I'm an XBOX live believer and I'm trusting what the next-gen XBOX services can do.
However, as the first one to go to the stores, the XBOX 360 has already had a few of it's flaws exposed.First, of course is that how Microsoft dropped the ball by getting gamers excited but failing to deliver the console in adequate quantities in North America. I think there were more Elvis sightings than this console in it's first weeks of release.
And another flaw of this hot console that it's so HOT-in a bad way. Overheating issueshas been plauging it since it's launch. Originally, this was the falut of the power adapterss, but now it's Microsoft's fault for not adding adequate cooling systems. Third parties have found a way through this and you can be sure this will be the first mods, but it sucks how Microsoft overlooked this and rushed the XBOX 360 to the Market.
It also remains to be seen, what kind of innovative games the XBOX 460 has sto offer, still the emphasis is with great looking games-mostly FPS and Sports titles. It's good that Microsoft has reeled in Japanes game developers, including the legendary Final Fantasy creatorHironobu Sakaguchim who's unleashing the Blue Dragon console role-playing game as an XBOX 360 exclusive. Still, even with more third party pledginf support for the next-gen console, I still think that the PS3 will have the Lion Share of exclusives and titles that will come out first on it's platform.
Playstation 3
Face it: many of us here have been going steady with Sony since the original Playstation. The funny thing is, that SOny was once under Microsoft's shoes as the outsider, looking in, the gatecrasher at the gaming ball traditionally reservered for Nintendo and Sega. Sony however, did a Cinderella and humbled it's critics by capturing the hearts of an overwhelming majority of console gamers. And hasnt looked back since.
To say that the PS2 dominated the 6th generation of console gaming ( which included the Sega Dreamcast, Game Cube, XBOX, and PS2) is an understatement. Sony owns the market. And it succeeded inspite of inferior graphics because it leveraged on the loyality of PS owners, who loved the backwar compatibility of the PS2 and tided them over the first year. Sony also took advantage if it's market dominance to get exclusive titles and even with a title eventally did come out on the XBOX or Game CUbe, it was already a year later. (Say, hello GTA series) The sequel syndrome also played a role in the PS2's success, as we wanted to see the next installment from the franchises such as Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear SOlid, Tekken and Smackdown.
As Sony gears up to it's leverage to dominate it's third straight gaming era, the scary thing is that the PS3 will be the most powerful console of th e three. No, I dont belive it's outlandish hype over the Cell proccessor, because it's not true that you can get supercomuting power on the PS3. What's true is that the PS3 will be the most powerful console know TO MAN so far.
For those who've been loyal to SOny for all these years. It's a no-brainer that your hearts will belong to the PS3. Moreover,just as with the PS1 and 2, you can expect the PS3 to offer an extensive library with games catering to different tastes.
I'm also excited over the next generation of EyeToy games and other input devices that will make the PS3 more accesible to non-gamers. Of course one of the complaints that you can hurdle againt's the PS3 is that as of now, it doesnt have online strategy comparable to the XBOX live. IT would be great if SOny could deliver it's own promise of convergencec, after all,it should put it's expertise in consumer electronics into good use. Plus, let's have innovatiove content that would take advantage of the interconnection with the PS3 with the PSP.
For those who think that Sony is suffering from sequelities( How many iterations of FF, GTA, and TEkken can we keep playing?) Ps3 should offer more quirky titles like the Kamatari Damacy. The someting for everyone approach of SOny has resultes in alot of horrible PS2 games. But hey, tastes diffe, and dont knock of something that worked magninficently for Sony.
What is it about Nintendo that inspires such passion in gamers, even though many have dumped it's console and chose the XBOX or the PS2. Even now, when Nintendo was basically positioning thw WII as the second console you'll buy after the XBOX 360 or PS3, I'm still excited over the kinds of games you'll be able to play with that radical new controller.
I think what's great about Nintendo's appraoch is that Nintendo hasnt taken the path of resistance. It's here to give gamers the unique gaming experiences that weve been able to experience from it's franchise like Mario,Zelda, Metroid and if it translates to poor third party support, so be it. Which is why it's refreshing that Nintendo is offering the Wii as the counter part to the HD era. Sure, I'm excited over graphics and believe this is an important element for imense gaming, but I want more than the run the mill games, I want the games that my whole family can enjoy, wit hcute characters that my four year old sister Sam can enjoy, (But she's rather fond of Dead or Alive Ultimate). I lke the idea that you dont need high equipment to have fun, it's really what a game can bring in and of itself.
I'm not a nintendo fanboy-I tealize the descission not to compete with Sony or Microsoft on the console front is as much a buisnesss decission as it is an expression of love for gamers. After all,if Nintendo really cares about quality than quantity, then we wouldnt have awful games from third parties on the platform it dominates, such as the case with it's current strange hold on the handheld market and the NES when it was still the king of the hill.
Once upon a time, Nintendo wasnt the underdog, and Sega was a cooler alternative, but that was past.
What I appreciate, is that Nintendo can offer great games that I can only experience on it's platform, I dont care how many people are playing a game whether it's from Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony. It's like enjoying Hollywood blockbusters and enjoying Indie films at the same time. That at least is how I see Nintendo, and I hope it remains in it's offbeat ways.
Of course, the only draw back is that you'll have a smaller library if you buy the WII, but that's why it's practically being marked as a second system.
Plus you get to play all the games from Ninendo's old platforms, from Nes to SNES TO N64 and GC. Is it any wonder then that, like an old flame, Nintendo has a special place in our hearts.
I love these two.
Aint smoker and tash neutral?
Well, I'm expecting Buggy and Alvida to hit the screens/pages again sometime after W7.(heheheh)
To cause mischeif again and ends up badly again.
But I'm not so sure about this coz I think they haven't reached Grand Line yet…
Oh wait a minute, oh yes...They did chase after Luffy that time on Louge Town. Whatever happened to those two, I think they'll be the comic relief rival crew thing.
And I hope to see Morgan again...Stronger I hope. NO one want's to see that metal jawed guy beat up easilly.
And Kuro maybe? He didnt hold a grudge againts Luffy though.
I hope you think so too...Unless
Aww well, I think it's all in my mind.
They find out One Piece is in their hearts.
OMG! Man that's gotta be my greatest fear now.
Next to that Luffy, it was all a dream….
Aw…you dun like it?
It's cool. It has some cool skills...
It does show that narutards and bleach are the same.
But yeah...It's preety good compared to Dota. Well, it hasnt gone to the level of Dota yet. But it has potential.
And dun talk bout the skins badly...They'll become better soon.
WEEE!!! This is the greatest day in my life!!!
I won the 6/49 lottery!!!!!
only got 5 numbers though….Still!! It's 25,000 bucks! WEEHEHEHEHEH