I finished the Resident Evil 4 remake a few days ago. I never got around to finishing the original for some reason, but I really liked it. The remake was no different. I'm probably in the minority when I say that I welcome the shift from survival horror to more of an action game. But from what I gather, 5 and 6 were far less successful in that regard. It's still plenty challenging, but in a good way. Though, I was pretty close to rage quitting during the Ramon boss fight.
I started Spider-Man 2 last night. Most of my knowledge on Spider-Man is limited to the movies, but I've read a bit of the original Lee/Ditko run. But so far, it's more of the same that I loved from the original. I sometimes vacation in New York, so it's fun to explore the city there and see if I can spot any of the places I've been to.