thank you.
I have some new art. I have Vegeta
I also have my original Saiyan character
Naturally I have more pictures, but it's all just playing with different Dragon Ball Z scenarios lately, so I just limit it to that.
thank you.
I have some new art. I have Vegeta
I also have my original Saiyan character
Naturally I have more pictures, but it's all just playing with different Dragon Ball Z scenarios lately, so I just limit it to that.
there is definitely quite an improvement - characters get more of three-dimensional feel.
The dragon is really cool. Creative. It give Pokemon vibes. I also like the pattern of butterfly's wings.
500 or so bonafide nazi's marching down the street on the first of may march. What a sight to behold in 2017.
Laying gems of truth on us such as "don't believe in the holocaust fairytale". Jesus christ these people.
But i guess that's the less enjoyable side to democracy, that even these dinguses get to hold their marches.
I wonder. Does neo-nazis classify as a hate group? I believe they should. Haven't that organisation been classified as such?
I don't exactly know the law in Sweden, but can't hate groups be stopped from marching?
I've drawn some more Raditzes
I've forgot I've did this one:
a quick self portray:
Hello everyone. Long time no see.
I made myself a break yesterday and visited a con.
I've met cut boy cosplaying as Batman. My bro shot a photo for me.
his Mom is Wonder woman
Chibis! Even if Radattz(I bet I'm completely misremembering his name) and Vegeta are "evil" they sure look cute chibified.
it's Raditz (or Radditz) so you are not misremembering completely - you've got right the consonantly - more or less - and half of the vowels. And we can argue that chibified is Vegetas default state. Whether or not it makes him cute is discussable.
thanks for the comment Serra
here goes new stuff… or not art chart of 2016:
some Leonardo Da Vinci - curtasy to my Mom's lack of grasp of tumblr drawing memes:
favourite baboon loser:
and finally after all those years some chibis - Dragon Ball:
How the fuck is there so much hatred for Poles of all people in the UK. I was checking that whole link of facebook posts about incidents and stuff, and like 40% of the incidents were about Poles. It just seems so goddamn random.
How do average British people even know if someone is Polish on the street.
may be due to the fact some Poles use Polish language on the street or the funky accent or the famous (supposed) Slavic features or the just simply statistics as Poles are a large group among new immigrants in Great Britain.