Before you say it belongs in the Anime/Manga section, please finish reading.
I have been recently trying to expand into other Manga(because anime takes so much longer to download anyways, and they tend to stray from the original story line and end early) since One Piece, my only Anime/Manga really(except a couple short ones and a few dubs I watch)
So I found a really nice website that compiled a ton of downloads. I registered, and downloaded Death Note Volume 1(First chapter hooked me) and anyways, I've read chapters 1 3 and 4 already(2 got messed up and only have a single image) but for some reason not all load the same way. Chapter one, I can select all of them then right click and press Open, and it open Adobe ImageReady and brings them all up. Problem is I don't want to use ImageReady. Well after that the Windows Fax Veiwer pops up. I can zoome in, go next, it's just how I like it. But after that it either opens imageready or it opens in the fax veiwer, but it's tiny and hard to read. Imageready, aside from everything in different windows, also has it messed up at larger sizes, like 100%
So I ask everyone, how do I open all those files in the Windows Fax Veiwer, but the large one, not the stinky small one(still small at full size) tha tI can't zoom in on and have that row at the bottom to skip to others?
Does it have anything to do with Photoshop being open as well already right now?
Seriosuly confused, and want to fix it before I get anymore Manga.