…Is there a Gear 1...? This is an honest question, here, because I think Oda skipped a number.
Gear 1
I believe "Gear 1" is just regualar Luffy.
Gee, that's a bit uncreative, but at least it's answering my question...
Well… Yeah, gear 1 is Luffy at his "normal" state, just like you or me, or are we? :P
Well, cool, I'm in Gear 1.
_Gear… ONE!
You're not in Gear 1 cause you're not made of rubber.
If you're made of blubber, you can be in Blob 1. Blob 2 is when you make your blubber jiggle extremely fast, creating a nausea effect.
Well there's nothing below gear 1, unless you like to call Luffy's normal state "neutral", which seems odd for a walking-talking-breathing form. Gear 1 isn't actually used to name his normal form, but it's what it is since gear 2 popped up.
Luffy's normal state is Gear 1.
'Nuff said.
My bike isn't made of rubber, yet it has gears. In fact, it has more gears than Luffy.
No,no,no Gear Neutral is Gomu Gomu no Baka.
God… why couldn't Oda just have Gear Second "Gear" and Gear Third "Gear Second"?
Gear 1 is luffy after he uses gear 3, the small one.