Have there been any discussions about what DF ability Monkey D Dragon may have? Ive been wondering for awhile who is gonna turn up with the Kaze Kaze no Mi (Wind Fruit), Im pretty sure he has it, based off of his stunt in Logue town.
Dragon's ability
An Ouryu, or Dragon King, is depicted as a Gold Dragon that can bring forth rain and has power over it. When assuming human form, they are depicted as men with serpent tails or serpent hoods.
Oh well… Okay Sounds good, looking forward to seeing this shit in action...
I was think wind as will but i also thought what if Dragon has the power to become a dragon. Ok, that kinda sounds stupid
I'd honestly like to see wind in someone elses hands, I'd say its one of the strongest devil fruits.
its wind DF and a nifty power indeed
Nowhere was it stated it was power over wind. The "Wind Blast" In Loguetown was not caused by Dragon, because he's bracing himself against it.
As the legend suggests, his power is over rain, not wind. His appearance matches that of an Ouryu in human form. An Ouryu was a revolutionary among dragons, could see the future, and had the power to evoke clouds/rain. In Chinese Myth, they were also part of the aspects, along with Byakko the White Tiger, Seiryu the Blue-green Dragon, Genbu the Black Tortoise, and Suzaku the Red Phoenix.
Yea wind is the best bet. I originally thought lightning when I first watched OP, but gee whiz I tihnk someone already has that abliity… :)
You're just angry cause Dragon could blow out your fire fists with his wind ability >_>
@Fire Fist:
Nowhere was it stated it was power over wind. The "Wind Blast" In Loguetown was not caused by Dragon, because he's bracing himself against it.
As the legend suggests, his power is over rain, not wind. His appearance matches that of an Ouryu in human form. An Ouryu was a revolutionary among dragons, could see the future, and had the power to evoke clouds/rain. In Chinese Myth, they were also part of the aspects, along with Byakko the White Tiger, Seiryu the Blue-green Dragon, Genbu the Black Tortoise, and Suzaku the Red Phoenix.
once again oda does not have to state the obvious.:getlost: and as soon as he told smoker the world is waiting for his answer, blast of wind came out of no where, and if you look at the anime it was green wind.:whistling:
I think Kaze Kaze no mi makes the most sense, the wind was green so when he fights he'll be discernible from regular air. Seems to make the most sense to me.
I think Kaze Kaze no mi makes the most sense, the wind was green so when he fights he'll be discernible from regular air. Seems to make the most sense to me.
Too bad this is the anime section…
And I think you may be on to something, "Fire Fist" Ace. It would be awesome if Dragon came from a group of powerfull elemntals representing the Age before the World Govt. There are thousands of Dragon theories, I doubt we can pinpoint which one is more "accurate".
once again oda does not have to state the obvious.:getlost: and as soon as he told smoker the world is waiting for his answer, blast of wind came out of no where, and if you look at the anime it was green wind.:whistling:
and the anime could've just messed up?
I thought the green wind was from the 12 dozen Burrito Supremes he had before making landfall in Loguetown.
once again oda does not have to state the obvious.:getlost: and as soon as he told smoker the world is waiting for his answer, blast of wind came out of no where, and if you look at the anime it was green wind.:whistling:
You just invalidated your statement with the word Anime. By the way, they also make Olivia's hair white (It's blonde) and Yasopp's hair blond (It's black, like Usopp's). Robin's eyes are also blue in the anime (They're brown, so are olivia's).
Spandam's nose is supposed to be black like a Panda's, the anime makes it purple.
And again, Dragon was protecting himself against the wind, not using his powers when the gust hit. I want you to go read the scene again and notice that he's holding his cloak against himself, not casting his power outwardly.
And while we're on the subject of "obvious", Remember when it was "obvious" Robin's power was telekinesis? Is it "obvious" what Doflamingo's power is? Remember when it was "obvious" Kokoro was a mermaid? Remember when it was "obvious" that Kaku's devil fruit was a saru zoan because it was shaped like a banana?
Yeah… Nothing is obvious in One Piece.
The most likely choice would be a logia power over wind, since that gust of wind couldnt have came at a more perfect time.
If not wind probably a power over weather, however Im almost certain it will be a logia.
I'll never think of Dragon the same way, because I keep thinking about him plowing Luffy's mom… ARRRGH!!
Anyway, I'm sure "Fire Fist" Ace is right.... again.... and Dragon has power over rain.
Alternative to the wind logia theoy, maybe Dragon has a "cloud" logia? Such a fruit would give him immense power and possibily the ability to control a wide variety of weather.
[quote="Fire Fist" Ace;405307
And again, Dragon was protecting himself against the wind, not using his powers when the gust hit. I want you to go read the scene again and notice that he's holding his cloak against himself, not casting his power outwardly.
.just cuz hes holding his cloak?
Maybe he didnt want his cloak to fly away. and at the same time you see people flying all over the place and hes calm even when the wind hits. you dont see him picking him self up after the wind blast.
just cuz hes holding his cloak?
Maybe he didnt want his cloak to fly away. and at the same time you see people flying all over the place and hes calm even when the wind hits. you dont see him picking him self up after the wind blast.
Uh, yeah, because that's what cloaks are for.
@Fire Fist:
Uh, yeah, because that's what cloaks are for.
so your saying his cloak is going to protect him from a strong gust of wind. (not ordinary wind this wind had people flying all over the place)
Im done i just heard it all. Im . im not replying anymore.
Olvia's hair is white, just pointing that out. :D
Also, I'm just going with what seems obvious; it might've been just D luck. I think a cloud logia would be interesting.
so your saying his cloak is going to protect him from a strong gust of wind. (not ordinary wind this wind had people flying all over the place)
Im done i just heard it all. Im . im not replying anymore.
A heavy enough cloak, yes. The marines were wearing short sleeves and shorts, hardly attire for fierce weather. Dragon was wearing a full body cloak and hood. Plus, I'm sure with a father like Garp, Dragon isn't a wimp. Smoker didn't get blown away; only the marines did.
@Fire Fist:
A heavy enough cloak, yes. The marines were wearing short sleeves and shorts, hardly attire for fierce weather. Dragon was wearing a full body cloak and hood. Plus, I'm sure with a father like Garp, Dragon isn't a wimp. Smoker didn't get blown away; only the marines did.
Yeah, because making pointless smilies at me for no reason really makes me notice your maturity and really believe your opinion.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Whitebeard. You're always right and everyone who questions you is wrong…
Nothing is as it seems in One Piece. Robin doesn't have a TK fruit, Kokoro is a Mermaid, and Kaku was a giraffe. And Funkfreed is a sword.
@Fire Fist:
Yeah, because making pointless smilies at me for no reason really makes me notice your maturity and really believe your opinion.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Whitebeard. You're always right and everyone who questions you is wrong…
Nothing is as it seems in One Piece. Robin doesn't have a TK fruit, Kokoro is a Mermaid, and Kaku was a giraffe. And Funkfreed is a sword.
WHITEBEARD has done it again.
I believe that "Fire Fist" Ace is is right. Good find.
Jee wiz you guys really get worked up about this. Fire Fist you don't have to be jealous of Dragons Wind Ability we all know its better than the Mera Mera no Mi.
Rain-power fruit sounds plausible if he's one of the most dangerous people around. No rain, no vegetation to grow - draught. The issue about that is that that's a macro-scale power, not a micro-scale power like the devil-fruits have been so far. He won't be much in a confrontation then will he? Unless for some reason he's able to transport sea-water in his rain and toss it at opposing fruit-cakes to nullify their fruity juices. Or perhaps assault people and scare Smoker with a bucket of water.
Cloud-power sounds strange. I couldn't really see any hints to clouds in that arc at all. There was a plethora of wind and rain though. I'll dismiss cloud for now.
Wind seems more plausible since wind can control the weather. Wind moves clouds and clouds contain droplets of water that eventually gathers till it's heavy enough to become what is known as rain. Wind is air, and Smoker's powers are inherently only an extension of wind with some added effects. In addition, isn't fire air-molecules moving at immense speeds? Not sure myself, it's one of the things my knowledge is beyond vague on :P
Unless it's a general power instead of a specialized one, which has been the case of the powers so far. Weather would be a macro-power ( working on a grand scale instead of small scale like i.e. thunder ) and as such would have no easily discerned direct application in combat that would make Smoker basically freeze up and look like he was afraid.
Sounds like wind is a power to be reckoned with, or atleast the most plausible explanation to me right now. If Dragon's powers are wind he is definately one of the most powerful I've seen now, and/or he's figured a way to employ it not only on a micro scale ( direct combat ), but also on a macro scale ( change the weather ).
I think it's quite obvious, it's a Wind ability.
Because a "control-the-weather" fruit is quite unrealistic as it isn't an element and has some points, like lighting, that are already owned by others.
Rain Fruit sounds fun, but I'm sorry to say it is absolutely powerless in a fight (if it's not croc you're fighting), so it could only be used like the dance powder to threaten on a longer time distance.
And Cloud fruit… is what Smoker has. Moku Moku no mi <-> Kumo Kumo no mi -> Cloud Cloud fruit. Not "smoke" in the original sense, although it seems so obvious that many believe it.
So it nearly has to be the Kaze Kaze no mi!
Also may I remember you that Saruman was in Lord of the Rings and Voldemord was in Harry Potter…..
thanks for attention -
I think it may be a spiritual related matter (note: not magic) not a Devil Fruit.
I think it could be Kaze Kaze no mi because wind can control weather patterns, which would explain everything was changing so abrubtly.
I don't think we should presume absoultuly everything is a DF power… Miss Goldenweeks colours trap wasn't the case at all.
Dragon doesnt have an ability, im 80% sure that Dragon was the one who originally created the Clima-Tact" (nami's weapon),
thats how he controlled the rain,lightning and the gust …..
and don't forget that ussop said he invented it, but then again... he is a liar
They were at the island closest to the grand line, a place known for rapid changes in weather, and nami some time in advance that a storm was approaching
Buggy(i think?) was struck by lightning because he was holding a sword above his head at the highest point in the area in the middle of a thunderstorm.
A timely gust of wind ended his conversation with Smoker, hardly damning since helpful coinsidences happen in every story. After the wind began blowing he clearly braced himself against it, which makes no sense if he was wind.Why create an excape path only to stand there waiting around?
And Cloud fruit… is what Smoker has. Moku Moku no mi <-> Kumo Kumo no mi -> Cloud Cloud fruit. Not "smoke" in the original sense, although it seems so obvious that many believe it.
doesnt read japanese is this something you came up with on your own, or was it mistranslated, like the 'pirate summit'?
WHITEBEARD has done it again.
I believe that "Fire Fist" Ace is is right. Good find.
oh its you again Fanboy im on you 2.
Im done i just heard it all. Im . im not replying anymore.
Dude, keep your damn promises.
Haha Whitebeard you're funny, what is there a little rivalry between you and Fire Fists?
doesnt read japanese is this something you came up with on your own, or was it mistranslated, like the 'pirate summit'?
Katakana is usually one consonant and a vowel. While I don't know katakana and can't write it, it would be written as mo-ku, which is the the onomotapeia used for billowing smoke. In One Piece, when referring to smoker's fruit, it is written as ku-mo.
And Whitebeard, grow up. You don't know that it's a Wind Logia. You simply don't. You keep ignoring my pointing out that Robin's DF fruit was first thought to be a TK fruit and turned out not to be one. You also ignore the fact that Kaku's devil fruit was shaped like a banana and turned him into a giraffe. Nothing is as it seems in One Piece.
@Fire Fist:
You don't know that it's a Wind Logia. Nothing is as it seems in One Piece.
Your right I dont…. all I said was I think its a wind DF based off of what I seen.
Nothing as it seems in one piece.... shanks being a swordsman I called that when most of you were saying crap like hes not a swordsman he has auto mail under his cap,(however its spelled) and about the Df I never spoke on that.
Haha Whitebeard you're funny, what is there a little rivalry between you and Fire Fists?
not at all he makes alot of sense UNLIKE AD-HD.
@Fire Fist:
You don't know that it's a Wind Logia. You simply don't. You keep ignoring my pointing out that Robin's DF fruit was first thought to be a TK fruit and turned out not to be one. You also ignore the fact that Kaku's devil fruit was shaped like a banana and turned him into a giraffe. Nothing is as it seems in One Piece.
Which makes it even more interesting why Smoker seemingly froze up completely in fear or something when he saw it was Dragon. He went from "I vow to stop you pirates" to "Eeeep?" in a few moments. That's even before Dragon says something like "Why're you stopping them?". Considering Smoker has his Seastone-thingy-thing even ( which makes the anti-df user camp a tad more convincing as well ).
The Clima Tact theory is an interesting one. Seastone Clima Tact? :P
Anyhow, he's got to be pretty impressive in some way to be able to stop someone considered vice-admiral material with only a look or grabbing his hand. -
You are very nice member, you know that?
Why thank you….......
Why does nearly everyone want Dragon to have a wind logia?
I don't mind a wind fruit (though I don't think that's it at all).
But a wind logia just doesn't work. Seriously, wind isn't even
a substance, it's merely the movement of airborne molecules.
Smoker's the closest you're ever going to get to a wind logia. -
No one's interested in my "cloud logia" idea? I think that would kick ass, and explain some of the stuff he did at Lougetown.
Don't think it's gonna be a wind Logia, since you can't actually -make- wind, but who cares.
I also don't think it is Dragon who did the trick, like Ace, cause he showed signes of protection against the wind [if it was wind~].
If a DF, probably an animel+human mix that can create that blast [kinda like Kaku's awesome rankyaku], or a paramecia capable of the same thing.
If not, a bomb or some kind of machinery should do the trick. Believe it or not, an Ancient Weapon might be there too.
I wouldn't be suprised if there is a kind of a "mother crew" that collects the strongest people by job to fill a crew. Like that, a navigator [if crazy enough, a swordsman's possible too] can be no problem. One that can not only predict weather, but also change it [or maybe only change it]. Take a look at Nami.So, basically:
Dragon = ????????? -
No one's interested in my "cloud logia" idea? I think that would kick ass, and explain some of the stuff he did at Lougetown.
That's what an Ouryu is, Onemoment. A "Cloud Evoker". They call rain forth and can see the future. They are also very intelligent and mysterous, coming and going with the wind. And they're depicted as men wearing serpent hoods, which fits Dragon's description to a T.
The sudden burst of wind couldn't have been coincidental. I say that he has power over rain, aswell as wind, storm and most weather. So basically, like an Ouryu but eveloved into something slightly better. Control over all weather.
However, that seems like a dream DF.