zoro could cut steel using using shishi sonson against mr.1.can zoro only cut steel using that attack or can he cut steel using normal attacks or attacks lyk rashomon or onigiri?
About zoro cutting steel
**My guess it that he can cut it with any technique. but he has to concentrate and listen before hand.
P.S: I'm also new ;)**
My impression of the whole matter is that if Zoro's near death, he's inherently attune to the breath of objects and can cut steel without problem. Normally, he can't hear the breath but he knows what to listen to, so with concentration (the Shishi Son Son technique) he can still perform the same feat.
My impression of the whole matter is that if Zoro's near death, he's inherently attune to the breath of objects and can cut steel without problem. Normally, he can't hear the breath but he knows what to listen to, so with concentration (the Shishi Son Son technique) he can still perform the same feat.
It's probaley cause when you are put in a dangerous situation and you surpass your fear/concerns/doubts you do thing you didn't even know you were capable. Sometimes you even gain a better understanding.
so zoro can only use the shishi sonson to cut steel since thats the skill that requires concentration?wad about other powerful techniques lyk rashomon and 108 pound cannon?
Maybe I'm not comprehending something here, but when did another user start using Octogon's avatar and signature?
Did Octogon get banned?
**Who is Octogon???
You must be seeing things.**
Jeez, a lot of old members are leaving and being replaced with these new dumb members. >:((
Zoro's cut steel with other techniques besides Shishi Sonson, he cut steel with Rashoumon (assuming the train cars were made of steel), 108 Pound Cannon, and several other techniques if you consider Tekkai steel. So, I'd it takes focus to be able to cut through steel, but he doesn't have to sit there and meditate for ten minutes to do it.
oic…hu is octagon and which one is his signature?